
LOLOLOL If you say so.

BUT!! If guys would spend more time learning how to use the inches that you DO have (as well as other parts of your body *WEG*) you would find that you wouldn't have to spend so much time worrying about the inches that you DON'T have.

THAT, my friends, is how girls look at the "size matter."
....Any white guy under 6 foot tall has either learned how to use his "little stallion," or else...... It's the old "it ain't the size of your pencil, it's how you write your name" cliche. I think it is pretty true, until you get a girl that just got done dating a 6'7" african-american b-ball player :p
LOL "Little Stallion" Oh man. Once again, I am grateful to not have a penis.

If it makes you feel any better, my friend's husband is 6'7" (and played basketball in high school, lol) and she doesn't like it all that much...

It's better to have an average guy who knows what he's doing than an above average guy that needs charges pressed against him...and that I know from personal experience. :p
thraxdude: No it doesn't, african-american refers to race/ethnicity, not country of origin. A japanese guy born in Italy, that moves to america isn't Italian-American. Get it....

brat: I've been told that by girls actually. But I'll spare you tales of the girls where my little stallion "bottomed out" But oh the gratification :D