Next Album

No, I haven't recorded the vocals yet, I've stated that I have recorded some pre-prod vocals, but that's different thing, I'll re-do them later on, just working out and testing vocal arrangement now.

mr V
The only thing done is Øystein's own demos with drum machine and one finger-synths (hehe). Vintersorg has recorded vox on some of them in his own demo studio - I haven't even heard most of those versions so you can imagine how far we've come... Anyways, we're going to rehearse and write/arrange the music together late this year then record as soon as possible next year. Oh, and Vintersorg has got a bunch of lyrics from most band members.

- Asgeir
cool, I can't await the next album. I still didn't absorb empiricism to 100% although I bought it the month it was released.....
I didn't even know there were already plans for a new one. I'm very glad to hear that things are going along in the process. Empricism was fantastic, and if the next one is a progression, as I'm sure it will be, it's destined to be an instant classic.
Originally posted by asgeir
Unless you read about the same thing in different magazines, never trust 100% the interviews you read. Too often bands get misquoted or misunderstood.

That's one of the reasons why it's so great to have you guys here on the board .
Originally posted by Øystein G. Brun
.... just now I am working on the seventh album!
Ho hum. While I'm looking forward to the new album, I guess that rules out the chance of the tour being extended to include a UK date, then :-( I'm pushing for you guys to be included on the bill for next year's Bloodstock festival. Hopefully the promoters can sort something out...
I think the close-up interviewer got me abit wrong, or maybe i wasn't perfectly clear about the issue, but I'm only trying out and recording pre-prod vocals at home right now.

Just to clear up missunderstandings!

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
I think the close-up interviewer got me abit wrong, or maybe i wasn't perfectly clear about the issue, but I'm only trying out and recording pre-prod vocals at home right now.

Just to clear up missunderstandings!

mr V

Thanks for clearing that up..

and i used to trust close-up
It's so hard to say right now, as we haven't recorded anything yet. It'll shurely sounds like a Borknagar album...alot of different elements.....

mr V
Originally posted by Liandrin
Thanks for clearing that up..

and i used to trust close-up

Amen? Dra inte min käre kusin Simons namn i smutsen. Följande står att läsa i intervjun:

"Idag har han lagt ren vokal på förproduktionen till nästkommande Borknagarskiva, som beräknas spelas in till årsskiftet."