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Originally posted by FailingAcension
Speak in English, por favor! ;) Yo no comprendo! :cry:

"Idag har han lagt ren vokal på förproduktionen till
nästkommande Borknagarskiva, som beräknas
spelas in till årsskiftet."

"Today he has laid down some clean vocals on the
preproduction to the upcoming Borknagar record,
which is due to be recorded at the end of this year
/start of next year" :o)

That's quoted from Close-Up.... Liandrin probably
read too much into it :o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
That's quoted from Close-Up.... Liandrin probably
read too much into it :o)

Thank you, my Norwegian friend. Just had to comment on this, as Close-Up were 100% accurate as to what Vintersorg himself also repeated in the 2nd message in this thread.
Originally posted by Liandrin
Close-Up är egenligen ganska dåligt, men det är nästan det enda som finns att tillgå

Kan bara instämma på den fronten. I genomsnitt 2-3 band brukar intressera mig i hela tidningen. Ulfsbäcker sköter sig dock galant, tycker du inte? :)
Originally posted by David Å.
Kan bara instämma på den fronten. I genomsnitt 2-3 band brukar intressera mig i hela tidningen. Ulfsbäcker sköter sig dock galant, tycker du inte? :)

Jepp. Stämmer..

Jag tycker Close-Up innehåller för mycket strunt som inte borde vara med, men det är sant det kostar ju att trycka tidning och reklam ger ju pengar.
Men igenomsnitt är det ju 55% reklam och kanske 10% som är värt att läsa
Originally posted by FailingAcension
Will someone just give me the jist of this conversation? I don't wanna miss anything! :waah:

we're just saying that's it's to much nonsense and commercials in close-up.

some, maybe one or two interviews in every number is worth spending time on, the rest sux
Originally posted by Liandrin
we're just saying that's it's to much nonsense and commercials in close-up.

some, maybe one or two interviews in every number is worth spending time on, the rest sux

thanx! i feel better now;)
Originally posted by Leitch
What does "Wotan mit uns!" mean?

Since I've just dropped by and speak German..."Wotan mit uns" means "Wotan (be) with us". Wotan is the German name for Odin. Incidentally, this is the motto Burzum (or rather uses.
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Since I've just dropped by and speak German..."Wotan mit uns" means "Wotan (be) with us". Wotan is the German name for Odin. Incidentally, this is the motto Burzum (or rather uses.

Correct. Cheeky, isn't it? And Burzum is fantastic too, of course. :notworthy