next album?

Just getting into COB. downloaded a couple of songs from Deathroll. Can't wait till I get it, but when I went downtown Toronto they said it ain't released in Canada yet. Would anybody know when?

Currently saving to get Hatebreeder as I hear that is really good, comments about this album would be appreciated as well as to when Deathroll will be released in Canada?

Thanks :headbang::Shedevil:
It depends on which album you want to get. All of them have different sounds, but I'd say the peak of their neo-classical sound would be on Hatebreeder, but their heavy metal with keyboards would be Hate Crew Deathroll.
Well I plan to get both, but I haven't heard anything from Hatebreeder. I love Thrash music best. COB I feel use many of these elements.

Musically what's the difference? How do you feel about it?
Hatebreeder is one of the best metal albums of all time X, I suggest you get your ass out there and buy the album ASAP.

As far as Bodom not releasing a new record, I highly doubt that. They're really successful right now and I think that HCDR will push them even further to create new music. HCDR is an instant classic.
I think that Hatebreeder is Cob's best album ever, i am still trying to get into Hate Crew Death Roll, its such a diffrent style. They are moving away from my metal likeing.