Next guitar?


Anssi Tenhunen
So, I have owned 4 guitars:

- ESP LTD EC1000; Les Paul with EMG's; I just love it.
- Ibanez Artcore; Hollowbody with passive humbuckers; my first guitar, still own it.
- Cheapo Les Paul with passive humbuckers; bought it as backup axe for the first tour I was on, has some serious battle scars
- LTD Kirk Hammett signature with passive EMG's; used it in the states, loved the neck, hated the floyd rose and sold it when I left.

So what guitar should I buy next? I have the heavy metal rhythm guitar (the ec1000), and I have the guitar for the smoother cleans (I really like the artcore for clean stuff), but I think I am missing the thing from between. The twang/indie/rock guitar.

I was thinking strat/superstrat/tele type guitar with fixed bridge next. Aesthetics wise I really hate SG guitars, and I actually haven't played a single SG that I liked feel wise either, but I have this weird perversion for Tele's. I was wondering is there a tele type axe with single coil on the neck and maybe emg 81 on the bridge? does this kind of guitar exist? Kinda like the Jim Root guitar, but with single coil on the neck for the twang? Or is the twang from the single coil on the bridge?
One of these?
If you want a Tele like you described, build one up on Warmoth. I'm pretty sure they ship to you, don't they?
I listened to the clips on Thomann website (yeah, not the best clips ever), but there was one guitar that was way better sounding than all the rest, it had brightest sound and had this small break up compared to others (= the pickups were most likely just a bit hotter than the others):

But I don't want to spend 715€ on it... :cry:


If you want a Tele like you described, build one up on Warmoth. I'm pretty sure they ship to you, don't they?

I checked it out and oh man this body looks sexy:

I was thinking strat/superstrat/tele type guitar with fixed bridge next. Aesthetics wise I really hate SG guitars, and I actually haven't played a single SG that I liked feel wise either, but I have this weird perversion for Tele's. I was wondering is there a tele type axe with single coil on the neck and maybe emg 81 on the bridge? does this kind of guitar exist? Kinda like the Jim Root guitar, but with single coil on the neck for the twang? Or is the twang from the single coil on the bridge?

I have the Jim Root and it is by far my favourite axe. The neck pickup is an EMG 60 and it sounds like a fat strat pickup to me, I believe it was EMG's first pickup and made originally for Fender, which they knocked back eventually. Real solid tuning on it too. The mahogony body weighs more than she looks but makes the EMGs chunk nicely, and the ebony fingerboard gives it a maple-like cut, it seems to separate well.