Next Project All In The Box


Jan 24, 2012
Next week im doing my first all in the box project. A combination of Metalcore/Death. Recording live drums. Will be recording direct gtrs and bass through great river 1nv. I've been playing with plugins/ampsims/ir loaders etc. I have PodFarm, Waves GTR, Eleven Free, and i just recently bought Recabinet. Can someone with a ton of in the box experience guide me through your general process once you have your di tracks in the box. Obviously i don't mean basics like insert plugin. But things like chain orders and multiple cabs panning etc. I know the common answer will be "whatever sounds good" but coming from a world of micing amps I think a solid run through of some basic ways to get stellar in the box tones would be helpful to us somewhat new to IR's and such. Simple starting points would be great example: DI -> Podfarm Gate -> Podfarm Screamer -> Podfarm Criminal Amp
-> Recabinet Oversize, 57 close.

Are most of you using 2 cabs? Are you panning them or blending? Usually use different mics? Once again i know "whatever sounds good" does apply but lets see if we can get some advice/info going here.

Thanks everyone, best forum on earth \m/ \m/
I would say give some of the free amp sims a try over podfarm etc. I just set up a deadly sounding djent chain the other day with TS999, LE456 and Recabinet, didn't even have to move any of the dials and it sounded amazing! For metalcore I think Lecto into a Mesa cab would be an awesome starting point.

But yeah, that basic chain you lined out in your original post should get you off to a great start. Picking the right amp/cab/mic can get you a long way so spend most of your time focusing on that.
Are most of you using 2 cabs? Are you panning them or blending? Usually use different mics? Once again i know "whatever sounds good" does apply but lets see if we can get some advice/info going here.

if im using sims (like Trevoire said check the free ones out - TSE Audio X50 is usually the one i opt for, but Lepou ,Nick Crow & Ignite Amps are all well worth checking ;) ) for rhythm guitars i'll blend between 3 & 6 IR's (kalthallens 1a/3a/19a/27a and guitarhacks 'edge' ones are goto's) in Lepou's Lecab2 for one channel and then put Recabinet (always use 2 cabs, the presets are a great starting point) or sometimes Nebula2 (Kalthallens) on the other, all depending..
Im in protools and don't have VST wrapper (what do you guys do?). Any RTAS solutions? Thanks for all the advice thus far \m/ \m/
Am i missing something? are these plugins available for Pro Tools users? Or is a wrapper needed?
"Or just use wavosaur and print it with the sims"

How would I align the tracks back up in protools afterwords? Would this piece of software degrade the quality at all. All I need to do is use this for the "amp" part, i have recabinet for protools. Or would you guys just stick with PodFarm?
Is it as simple a selecting the entire guitar track from 0:00 and consolidating it. When i bring it back its perfect?