"Next to The Sex Pistols rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain"

Bleearg said:
Did they want them to pay $$ to sit at a table???
That was as unintelligible as some of the posts around here.

I think it's accurate. Nice to see that our boy John still doesn't mince words. :)

It's ironic. Prostitution is illegal, but the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame - undoubtedly one of the biggest fuck-jobs in the industry - is legal.

Not that the Pistols don't belong in a music Hall Of Fame - Never Mind The Bollocks is still one of the best albums I've heard in my life, even if the only one who really knew how to play an instrument was Steve Jones.
I dont know about the politics of the Rock Hall, but I enjoyed going there and seeing all the cool shit. I don't understand why a museum would be illegal?
Do they make bands pay for the displays? I would like to know what the statement meant I don't understand his English. It's like listening to Bob Dylan, or Bruce Dickinson between songs at a show. "What the fuck did he say???" Ozzy I usually understand now. This is in type and I cant decipher it.