NFL 2011 Draft

holy shit, I was hoping it'd happen but figured it never would, I thought it was a pipe dream

but it happened! CAMERON JORDAN IS A SAINT



too good to be true?! Ayers? Shit, even Ingram wouldn't be as bad a pick here.
Very pleased with the Giants and Steelers. The Giants got excellent value with Amukamara. If I'd known he would have fallen to the Giants, I would have had no issue saying "take a CB". LB was the bigger need, but the value Amukamara offers, paired with Webster and Ross, can be very impressive. Honestly, I think the Giants should just resign Kiwanuka and move him to linebacker. The Steelers, I believe, wanted Heyward all along. They love taking OSU players because they play a defensive scheme most similar to their own and they come in the most prepared to transition into the league. And honestly, Heyward is the most impressive player to come out of that school, in my eyes, in a while. In 2 to 3 years, the Steelers will have Ziggy Hood and Cameron Heyward as their starting DEs...I almost can't wait. Of course, they'll need to find Hampton's replacement in the meantime...which I thought might have been Phil Taylor. Why the fuck do the Browns take the one true NT in the draft the year they convert to a 4-3 scheme? Do they plan on slimming him down? Frankly I think that was one of the worst picks of the first round. As an aside, I kind of love how the Steelers almost immediately always have their pick ready to go. They know who they want beforehand because of the way they set up their draft board. I just read an interesting piece on that this morning actually. If the Steelers can land one of the top 4 remaining CBs in the second round, I will be very pleased.
Taylor is fit for the 4-3. He's not fast enough for the NT position. He will be a beast at the 3, I promise. The Browns are preparing for Defense and the running game. Colt McCoy is the next Chad Pennington with Hillis fucking shit up!
Eagles draft a 26 year old guard? I mean It sounds like he's NFL ready and has a nasty streak- all things we needed on the line, but I really think we could have traded back and still got him. Oh well, if he keeps Vick healthy I have no complaints.

The move I'm most excited to see manifest is Nick Fairley playing next to Suh. Good lord! They're gonna have brutal front four!
I can't fucking believe it, the Colts actually drafted a lineman in the first round.


Imagine Italian kid from BOSTON! You must love that. Honestly, followed this kid a bit and he's got the goods. BC has the rep for producing good linemen.

Can't say I know much about OL Nate Solder (Pats 1st pick)...but big 12 OL of the year can't be all bad?
Taylor is fit for the 4-3. He's not fast enough for the NT position. He will be a beast at the 3, I promise. The Browns are preparing for Defense and the running game. Colt McCoy is the next Chad Pennington with Hillis fucking shit up!

Wait...since when does a nose need more quickness than a 4-3? :lol: Maybe I overreacted a bit, but, first of all, he was not the best DT for a 4-3 left on the board, and they probably didn't need to trade up for him. They reached to get the one surefire starter in this draft that could play nose right away the same year they switch to a 4-3, which I just find odd. It's like they were so giddy over mugging the Falcons with that first trade that they wanted to balance it out a bit by trading away from of their spoils and then taking a reach. He's also a player with character concerns, as is Jimmy Smith. Who would of thought the Bengals are the one team outside of the Steelers in the AFC North that nab a character guy in the first round?

Anyway, biggest reaches, in my estimation:

Uh, Cam Newton? Does anybody think he's going to be a quarterback?
Jake Locker
Christian Ponder
Honestly I really don't even know if there was a first round QB in this draft.
Falcons trading up for Julio Jones, sabotaging their next two drafts.
Von Miller at 2nd overall. Taking a pass rushing linebacker this high always feels like a gamble to me, and I don't know how well he'll convert. He definitely needs strength. He looks like a fucking safety in the NFL. People are comparing him to Derrick Thomas...that's a HELL of a lot to live up to.
Aldon Smith
JJ Watt. Great player, but not top 15
Mike Pouncey, simply because he's inferior to his brother, which boosted his stock
Phil Taylor, as previously stated
Danny Watkins, only because of his age. He should be game-ready, however.
James Carpenter
Jonathan Baldwin...neither of these last 3 are first rounders.

Some of the better value picks, in my opinion:

Nick Fairley. Fairley and Suh together? What the fuck?
Robert Quinn should have been off the board ahead of Watt.
Prince Amukamara, for this draft class, may have been the best value in the first round based on his talent and his position
Anthony Castonzo is pretty good value at 22
Cameron Jordan at 24? If this draft wasn't so deep in DEs, he would have been a top 10, 15 at worst.
Ingram at 28 is not bad at all, although the Saints did give up a first rounder. They'd better utilize him properly.
Muhammad Wilkerson
Cameron Heyward, another top 15 prospect in most drafts, but so many DEs allowed the Saints and Steelers to get tremendous value in the back third of the first round.

The Steelers should definitely nab a cornerback in the second round. There are enough options, with and without trades, for this to be a reasonable proposition. Good CB depth in the 2nd round. I think they need to land one of the following: Aaron Williams, Brandon Harris, Brandon Burton, Ras-I Dowling, Curtis Brown, or Johnny Patrick. I'm not sure I'd like to see a CB name called as the Steelers pick in the 2nd round that's not one of these. And, from what I've read, the value drops off pretty steeply somewhere in the middle of the third. There are a few others like Chimdi Chekwa and Marcus Gilchrist, but I don't know about the second round.