NGD 5150 III for a killer deal! Story inside

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey dudes! So recently I sold my 5150 original combo to get a 5150III 50W. I was online looking up used deals and I stumbled upon a 5150 III 100W for..... get ready.... $799. I thought something might have been up, I guess it was a floor model. I drove 2 and a half hours last night to go get it. When I played it, it was in perfect condition. When I bought it and brought it home, the third channel started making tons of static and crackling noises. This must be why they had it for so cheap. I grabbed some contact cleaner, cleaned the tube sockets as well as the FX loop and input jacks and what do you know. It's in 100% perfect working order. I guess there must have been a loose tube or perhaps dust got in one of the sockets.

Needless to say this amp is fucking AMAZING. I don't really have any clips, I've only been playing it for an hour. I threw my mic in front of it and just started writing and came up with this.

Sounds good for just throwing a mic on it. Imagine that quad tracked would sound pretty massive.
That clip I provided was just for shits and giggles. The big kicker was I recorded it with the post around .5 haha. This amp REALLY opens up once you get the post to around 2-3. I'm setting up for a reamping session at them moment so I'll post some clips when I'm done