NGD: Just scored a Mesa recto 2x12!


Mar 8, 2009
Some of you may remember that a while back i was thinking about grabbing an orange 1x12 or something similar with a V30 for recording purposes. Well this guy posted a mint condition recto 2x12 on Craigslist last night, i couldn't resist and he just dropped it off. Price was average, couple hundred under retail so no super deal or anything, but it's MINT and barely has 50 hours of play on it, just enough to have the speakers broken in. Only thing missing is the casters, this model doesn't seem to have the latches underneath to attach removable casters like i've seen on other mesa cabs and combos.

I never thought this cab would impress me as much as it did. I mean i knew it was going to be good, but this thing is just the most bad ass thing i've ever plugged my Mark IV into! Definitely worth the price even if it wasn't the deal of the century.

Here it is in all it's glory while i was testing it, sorry no clips yet :p

Congrats. lolzgreg got one of those not long ago and the clips he has shared with me have sounded great, excellent 2x12.
lol i always thought of NGD as "New Gear Day".

Haven't had much time to play with it yet since i'm reconfiguring my mixing setup, but i may post a clip with Lasse' or Jeff's DI's when i get a chance. Really curious about sticking my Royer 121 in front to see what kind of results it'll give. Might even do a shootout between the Royer and my old Cascade FatHeads to see how they compare. I never really A/B compared them, could be interesting.
Never mind me man i was just being stupid lol. Awesome! Been gasing for a royer lately but im gasing for so many things as well, that i dono exactly when ill finally take the jump!
Congrats man! Anyone know if there's a difference between the older Mesa V30s and the newer ones? Are they made in china now?
@decoy FWIW- I asked their artist relations guy a couple months ago if they had made any changes to their speakers specs in the past few years and he said "no". Still made in England, etc.