NGD! (Mayones regius 6)

Really like the figure on the back wood. Top looks cool, but I've never cared aesthetically for guitars with only one pickup. I'm sure its killer, nonetheless!
Awesome man. I like the one pickup passive. Great finish too! Love to hear some clips.
-John seriously you should post teh clipz fur the wins when you get it!

here's a very short riff i recorded in a hurry :)


Really like the figure on the back wood. Top looks cool, but I've never cared aesthetically for guitars with only one pickup. I'm sure its killer, nonetheless!

it's a pretty nice guitar for sure. i never used neck
pickups as i can't play leads so i thought it would be a
good idea to get one pickup only :D

Awesome man. I like the one pickup passive. Great finish too! Love to hear some clips.

thanks man :)


it's a pretty nice guitar for sure. i never used neck
pickups as i can't play leads so i thought it would be a
good idea to get one pickup only :D

:p Yeah, me either. TBH, I just don't like the sound of the neck pickup, anyway... Just always looked funny to me if a guitar was missing it. My Bernie Rico Jr. came stock with only one pickup, but I had him add the neck on for that very reason, haha.
sounds awesome!

thanks! :)

Only got to hear it on my phone my even so it sounds nice!
Thanks for the info btw!

thanks man! :)

:p Yeah, me either. TBH, I just don't like the sound of the neck pickup, anyway... Just always looked funny to me if a guitar was missing it. My Bernie Rico Jr. came stock with only one pickup, but I had him add the neck on for that very reason, haha.

yeah it definitively looks a bit strange at the beginning but i got used to that
very quickly. the next one willl have two pickups again, maybe a H/S combo
thanks man! here's another short clip, i really like the sound of that axe! :D


yeah, they build really great guitars, also the whole ordering etc. process was very smooth, really nice guys over there!
Sounds phenomenal man!

You really can't do much better then that. Nice clear heavy tone. What was your chain on that one? Seems like you have your 6 string needs sorted.

Did you ever hear back from Skervesen?
thanks man! :)

chain: guitar > axe-fxII (5153 red chanel model)> PC

the regius is absolutely great but i also want an EVERTUNE equipped guitar so bad. i send a spec list to SKERVESEN still waiting for an answer though.
i am also in contact with another great luthier, i guess i will be ordering there but i need to sort a few things out first :)
thanks man! :)

chain: guitar > axe-fxII (5153 red chanel model)> PC

the regius is absolutely great but i also want an EVERTUNE equipped guitar so bad. i send a spec list to SKERVESEN still waiting for an answer though.
i am also in contact with another great luthier, i guess i will be ordering there but i need to sort a few things out first :)

Cool. I haven't tried any Evertune guitars yet but they seem cool. I can definitely see the benefit.

Sucks the Skervy guys haven't gotten back. I'm sure by the time I'm able to order they will be too backlogged maybe that's whats up now.
i got a reply to the first mail, they are very very busy atm, that's ok i'm happy about their sucess! :)
still, waiting almost two weeks for a reply slows everything down, especially my G.A.S :D

the evertune seems really nice, especially when hitting and gripping the strings hard like i do.
i really hate that low E "BAOUWWWWWWWW-going out of tune when plucked" effect and the evertune seems to help there.
it's a blind-buy though, as i am lefthanded i have noch chance testing it, so it's pretty risky putting it into a 2-3K custom guitar
but i had several mails with evertune and they were really convincing that it will work out perfectly.