Nice Guy Eddie died

i used to know the meaning of that word but dont anymore and im not gonna look it up. [/lazy]
# A female demon supposed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with a man while he sleeps.

you're excused because tending to a baby while lindsey is at her appt demands attention. once when noah was a baby he got up in his crib, which I had stupidly put next to the br window. he pushed the screen out of the frame and was throwing all his toys out the 2nd floor window...then he threw out his blanket. I was fast asleep on the couch and did not wake up until the police were banging on the downstairs door. Noah had gotten himself half onto the windowledge and the neighbors called the polizei. so I answer the door with long hair, probably drool on the side of my face....typical cast member of COPS.
lizard said:
# A female demon supposed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with a man while he sleeps.

i went out with a chick once that had this tattooed on her arm ... it was a one date relationship
@lizard: haha great story. anders is only 5.5 weeks old so all he does is sit there. but i need to "be there for him" if he starts crying or shitting his pants.
lol @ you answering the door.
good thing your neighbors were paying attention! :p If that was in BC they'd have taken your kid away. They're retarded up here. People have had "anonymous complaints" come in from people that disliked them (jsut to get them in shit) and during laundry day (clothes on the furniture) had their children taken away due to "unwashed clothing in living areas".

fucking retarded government. And other times, somebody like starves their kids and gets away with it. Especially the foster parents, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
lizard said:
it really shook me up at the time. I was like, fuck me with a pogo stick, I'm sleeping while my kid does a HellMike out the upstairs window!

It's funny now because disaster was averted.
he couldve died eh. having children is 50% pleasure 50% sheer anxiety.
he projectile SHITS i tell you what. projectile vomiting has got to be lame compared to that.
yeah, he pisses with some real force. the best is when it goes in his face and he has a "what the fuck was that?" look