Nice Headphones


Mr. Self Destruct
May 17, 2010
Planet Earth, Milky Way
Currently in the market for a pair of some nice headphones...No more ear buds...I know theres gotta be few fuckers on here that have dropped some cash on a nice pair, just want to get some feedback, opinions and suggestions to send my ears in the right direction.

A few that have my attention:
Bose Quiet Comfort 15
Monster Beats by Dre
Sennheiser PXC 450
I use Sennheiser HD25-1s. They rule.

I've tried beats and skullcandy in stores for the hell of it. Totally awful none brands. Buy headphones from long established electronics manufacturers only. Unless you only care about bass that is. Then by a bass fish and wrap it around your ears.

The best value headphones in existences, in terms of pure sound quality, are KOSS portapros.
I'm using Sennheiser HD 212Pro, have been for years. I've had to replace the cable twice, but replacement cables are pretty cheap online. I don't know how they compare to very expensive headphones but they seem really damn good for their price class and I've had no desire to upgrade to something more expensive for as long as I've had them.

Don't get KOSS Porta Pro. They're nice if you've got no budget and you need something that fits in your pocket but they're a small step up from earbuds. They're uncomfortable, break easily and they don't keep any external noise out. The sound quality doesn't compare to that of a real pair of headphones either.
Don't get KOSS Porta Pro. They're nice if you've got no budget and you need something that fits in your pocket but they're a small step up from earbuds. They're uncomfortable, break easily and they don't keep any external noise out. The sound quality doesn't compare to that of a real pair of headphones either.


They break VERY easily, try too hard on the old bass and the result is just HUNGGG. Get real headphones. Sennheisers or AKGs. (Or Beyerdynamics if you got the cash).
Sennheisers or AKGs. (Or Beyerdynamics if you got the cash).


I got the Beyerdynamics dt770 for producing music at home and they have the best sound I've ever heard from a pair of headphones, plus they're comfortable as a motherfucker too. The problem is that they're enormous and wearing them outside would just make you look like a douche.

They break VERY easily, try too hard on the old bass and the result is just HUNGGG. Get real headphones. Sennheisers or AKGs. (Or Beyerdynamics if you got the cash).
Fuck all that.

I've owned the same pair of PortaPro for years now and they havn't broken one single time.

The sound is great. Bass and treble is solid, and you get a lot of sound for your money.
Technically gaming headphones but that doesn't matter. These are absolutely amazing headphones, great low end sounds too. And they come with a mic n shit (it retracts into headphones so it doesn't just stick out). They have USB connection for PC and a normal jack you can disconnect from usb adapter and use on normal headphone jacks for MP3 player.



Pros: Sound quality, comfortable, durable
Cons: Maybe cost, I dunno, $150 is the going rate for high quality headphones
Sheoo, you guys.

Audio Technica ATH-M50
Shure SRH840
Audio Technica ATH-AD700

Pick one. That said, ear buds are NOT BAD!! I have Future Sonics Atrios and I'm not picking up big headphones because these things sound so nice I have no need for big 'phones.
I've gone through atleast 4,5 Headphones, ear on the left channel cuts out on all of them. As of now have a 30 dollar pair of Skull Candy and they sound fine to me, so. I can't complain.
Doesn't get much better than this tbh. I didn't have enough cash though so I use AKG K240 MkII and I'm satisfied as fuck too.

Duuuuuuuuuude. I like the look of those. Might pick up a pair, finally snag some over-the-ear cans after swearing them off. Those just seem like they might be too good to pass up.
Holy fuck...You can get those for $186 on Amazon right now...I might need to do some more research on it before I buy it, but fuck...Thats really tempting.