NICE Metamorphosis is finally here!

Jersey Dave

Beer... Did you say BEER?
Dec 3, 2002
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Yesterday my nice new copy of Metamorphosis showed up in the mail and is definitly ruling my cd player at the moment! :kickass:

I know you guys swear it wasn't re-mastered but the sound quality seems somewhat clearer than my original demo and it's great to see the demo remade into a full cd! :D Good thing you guys didn't have enough money to put these songs on the original otherwise we wouldn't have a nice little treat now before De-Ev comes out. Rebirth and Jaded Eyes are both addictive as hell and I hope you start playing them at shows... they MUST be played live. ;)

Anyone else think Jaded Eyes is total 90's video game music? Every time I listen to it I feel like I'm playing Sonic on Genesis. It's got a totally different feel from the rest of the cd and rocks all out in my opinion. Rebirth on the other hand would have been cool on the cd. Sounds like it fits perfectly.

Oh yeah... thanks for alerting the whole world to my beer stealing ways!!!! :saint: How am I going to get a hold of beer at this years ProgPower now!?!?! I forgot you had told me about putting that in and it was a neat surprise when I looked through the credits. COOL! :D

Thanks for the re-release guys and I'm waiting paitently until your next concert here. By the way I started working at a new place here so now I have money to come abuse you in CA. WHAHAHAH!!! :D

now that you mention it... I can see the Sonic the Hedgehog connection... the keyboards... and the guitar riffs... I can just imagine that blue hedgehog racing along... very good observation... I quite like this song
dude Jaded Eyes is total Sonic music. I swear it is a Sonic song although I know the guys aren't really gamers. That keyboard matched with the riff is total 16 bit gaming music!:kickass: