Nicholas Barker removed from the line up of Dimmu Borgir

It's about time they got rid of him. Just as long as they don't steal Mickelson from Borknagar(like they did Vortex) it probably is a step in the right direction. There shouldn't be anyone named Nick in that kinda band anyways.
LuminousAether said:
Dimmu haven't impressed me since Spiritual Black Dimensions. Polished production doesn't fit them, at all.
True. But it was necessary on DCA because of the orchestra.

PME was very overdone.
Ageless said:
I hear that!

Whats your sig about? I've noticed you change them every-so-often. Wasn't it Glorfindel vs Balrog before Durin and Arwen?
Well, I've been doing Tolkien related ones. You were correct, I had Glorfindel Vs. the Balrog, then Treebeard Vs. Saurman, and this time I went for a silly one, Durin Vs. Arwen...I haven't decided on my next one...I have many choices to choose from.

Glad someone noticed them! ;)
FailingAcension said:
Well, I've been doing Tolkien related ones. You were correct, I had Glorfindel Vs. the Balrog, then Treebeard Vs. Saurman, and this time I went for a silly one, Durin Vs. Arwen...I haven't decided on my next one...I have many choices to choose from.

Glad someone noticed them! ;)
What is it about though? They Fantasy Death Matches or something or they just to see who people prefer? :err:
Well, the first two were taken from The Silmarillion and The Two Towers, respectivly. They're just little...umm...visual aids to some 1 on 1 enemies from the books...just trying to be creative and promote my Tokien-fan status.....and silly with this Durin/Arwen buiness. :p
I think this really sucks... they had a good lineup going with the whole Nick/Vortex/Galder thing, and it looked pretty damn stable too.. I can't imagine why he left/or was kicked out but it's not a step in the right direction in my mind.. htough he could have done a little more on DCA... in any case if Trym isn't too busy with Zyklon, he should help out his Norwegian brothers! THAT would be the shit heh..
you could do a whole stem of Balrog Vs random dwarves :)

or Azog vs Dain etc. :D

can you tell i've been reading up on it again?

btw, i don't think Dimmu Borgir are Trym's style, or extreme enough IMO. He fucking owns anything he plays though :worship:
Agreed, it is not his style, but I think that if he were to join Dimmu he could bring a lot of creativty to the band, not to mention blow any other Drumemr in theb and's history away... In any case it would not happen... simply wishfull thinkinbg, as I love the band, and Trym is the shit
I think it was a joke... but in response, there is no reason Trym would play in Dimmu... heh I was just thinking it'd be a cool thing to see for a while