Nick Crow 7170 Lead - Guitar Amp VST

Works great in Reaper for me! I love it! I think every amp sim should have a mid sweep allows for so much tweakablity in the tone. I find that it sounds a lot like Wagner (really smooth and organic), but has more of the upper mid and high end sizzle that is characteristic of the 5150. It blends GREAT with Wagner. Nice work and thanks a ton!!!!!!
Btw what we've got so far in a year are:

A Bogner Triple Giant sim
A Soldano SLO 100 sim
A 5150 sim

Pretty amazing.
I'd kill for something more british voiced from Nick Crow, Orange or Marshall or something :D
^ I felt that way to start with but it had the best mids out of any other freeware amp sim I've got, so even if not used by itself, it can blend quite nicely with the SLO sim or whatever.

@Headcrusher: There was a ton of EQ and post processing, so I'm not sure it'd be relevant, but here's the outline:

2 tracks of 7170, and 2 tracks of SoloC. 7170 using Poidaobi's 'higher presence' impulse, SoloC using one of Catharsis' new impulses. Basically tried to create a blend where the 7170 did the mids and the Solo did the grunt. They were very quickly dialed tones on both so the end result isn't exactly stellar, but it does show the potential. For something that's free, honestly it can't be faulted much :)