Nick Crow 7170 Lead - Guitar Amp VST

@Headcrusher: There was a ton of EQ and post processing, so I'm not sure it'd be relevant, but here's the outline:

2 tracks of 7170, and 2 tracks of SoloC. 7170 using Poidaobi's 'higher presence' impulse, SoloC using one of Catharsis' new impulses. Basically tried to create a blend where the 7170 did the mids and the Solo did the grunt. They were very quickly dialed tones on both so the end result isn't exactly stellar, but it does show the potential. For something that's free, honestly it can't be faulted much :)
Thanks! I thought it was just the 7170 but that was kinda hard to imagine so that post sure puts some light on it. ;)
Really? The GUI sure looks like a Fireball, and from clips I've heard it seems to have the Engl upper-mid sorta djent
I did a quick test with some DI tracks Marcus posted a few months back. Most of the sims being talked about here, with me trying to fiddle a tone up really quickly with each one. Same TSS setting on each and same cabinet impulse on each. Only thing that varies is the amp sim and the settings being dialed into it.

Real 6505 head:




Bear in mind this was done on cans at 3am, so take that into account. From what I can hear, there is a clear winner.
Holy SHIT at the SoloC clip Ermz... that voicing is damn close to the real 6505 clip!
Though I noticed it sounds more artificial, it's certainly close enough to be very useful for me.

... so which impulse did you use for the comparison? :D
Holy SHIT at the SoloC clip Ermz... that voicing is damn close to the real 6505 clip!
Though I noticed it sounds more artificial, it's certainly close enough to be very useful for me.

... so which impulse did you use for the comparison? :D

The impulse was one of the Recabinet Ghandi 4x12 6l6 SM57 'Edge' ones. Some of the other sims may play nicer with other impulses, but yeah for the most part SoloC seems to sound more like a 5150 than 7170 does...

I should mention that with the 6505 reamp I used my real custom TS pedal, so it has the one-up there because I know that this thing smokes TSS. If I get some time tomorrow I'd like to repeat this test using the real TS for all the tracks.
The impulse was one of the Recabinet Ghandi 4x12 6l6 SM57 'Edge' ones. Some of the other sims may play nicer with other impulses, but yeah for the most part SoloC seems to sound more like a 5150 than 7170 does...

I should mention that with the 6505 reamp I used my real custom TS pedal, so it has the one-up there because I know that this thing smokes TSS. If I get some time tomorrow I'd like to repeat this test using the real TS for all the tracks.

Wow Ermz, seriously SoloC sounds like the real deal. But I don't use recabinet. Is Ghandi a Mesa-Oversize impulse? I'll try to find the closest sounding impulse. (any suggestions besides Ghandi?)
Wow Ermz, seriously SoloC sounds like the real deal. But I don't use recabinet. Is Ghandi a Mesa-Oversize impulse? I'll try to find the closest sounding impulse. (any suggestions besides Ghandi?)

i believe that you can get that impulse in the recabinets demo