Nicki Minaj is the shit

I'm sorry this is just plain shit!

I remember watching some award show and they said her name like 100 times (no joke). I was like who the fuck is this girl they are hyping like she was God. Then she performed and it was just atrocious. GO AWAY ALREADY!!!!
Haha really?

Of course that track is beyond shit. I fucking loathe it but it sounds like you guys know each other quite well. Do you actually hold someone's musical preference against them? I can understand not wanting to hear it blasting out in a friend's car whilst you're riding with them, but other than that, each to their own I reckon.

It's nice to find like-minded individuals on here and the majority of us will probably gravitate to hating rap purely because of the lack of music, the vile lyrics and the whole vulgarity of it all but I couldn't care less if a friend of mine liked rap. Of course we probably wouldn't have that much in common to begin with though since I tend to mainly hang around with musicians.

If he liked touching kids or punching puppies, well that's a different matter, but a slight over-reaction? lol.

Yeah, you took my comment way too seriously, but regardless...

There are certain things that when people enjoy them, it indicates that they're of a certain disposition that I will never be able to get along with or respect to an extent. IE the French, people in fraternities/sororities, anyone who has paid money for a Kanye West album, etc.
Would have been good if it were a Katy Perry video like that one where she's in the cloud's practically naked, as I can at least get a raging hard on, but this Nicki Minaj bitch just keeps me limp. Would not hit unless paid.
As for the music............uhhh yeah, I'll stop before I go into mega rant mode.
Yeah, dude, until she can lay down something as poignant as this:

...she's still the Motley Crue in the face of underground hip hop, hitting it like Anacrusis. Your candy colored bullshit is invalid. Step off while you have the chance. :cool:
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just because you are "rapping" or something similar, doesn't mean you have to rhyme everything you say

and of course you don't have to make repetitive generic music

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