nicknames for the people i work with

That's a low blow, dude. You want to argue about movies, that's fine. Don't drag poor Mikey through the mud while you're doing it.

It's people like you that invented the hydrogen bomb.
It's people like you that thought it up.
Originally posted by FalseTodd
preppy: I would say I ruined the ending for you, but M. Knight already took such a good whack at it I can't really say I can compete.

don't worry about it. chances are i will never see it. i have trouble sitting still for an entire movie so i only watch maybe, one a month, and i usually just watch legend and/or breathless (the original) over and over again.

PS. Mikey had the following to say about "Signs":

Mikey: (Licking the turkey/fish slime from his teeth) "Well, there were certainly moments. Shyamalan can do suspense, but he's proven that to us already. Unfortunately, it's been a downward slope ever since "The Sixth Sense". While "Unbreakable" could be chalked up as mild sophomore slump, "Signs" is starting to call things into question. The characters are one-dimensional, the writing is uninspired and derivative, and the plot leaves much to be desired. Shyamalan is still head and shoulders above the average thriller, but this is more a comment on his contemporaries than himself. Two-and-a-half stars. Meow."
Originally posted by FalseTodd
Seriously, though:

"Let's go to the planet that's covered in that stuff that makes our skin fall off 'Indiana Jones' style. Hope it doesn't rain *ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET* while we're invading."
Agreed. Plausibility seems to be null and void in movies any more. This one was wrapped up all too neat in a tiny little package- too "Hollywood Movie Executive Board says we should make this one scary, but heartwarming and dumb enough for mainstream America to buy into it".

And Paul said he loved it. Everybody poke fun at Paul...
Originally posted by xfer
Bleh, criticizing SIGNS for being a bad alien movie is like criticizing CITIZEN KANE for being a bad sled movie.

Yeah. That's why I said it was NITPICKING in a previous post. My actual problems with the movie had to do with the writing and the setting of the spiritual conflict over an alien invasion setting, which detracted from the message of the film (which I thought was pretty trite anyway).
Message, shmessage--you're right about that.

The great thing about this film was the filmmaking. Unlike "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable"--both great films--"Signs" was built in the shape of an X. More like a flattened X...><.

Initially, the film is your typical alien invasion flick, with a human-interest subplot. But throughout the film, the place of those two plots are slowly swapped. By the end, the film has become a human-interest film with an alien invasion subplot. The best part is watching the two SLOWLY change places, as the significance of the outside world moves away: first, the television becomes their only point of contact, then that's stripped away and replaced with a radio, until we don't even get real updates from that.

This technique perfectly shows the REAL point of the movie and makes the film something beyond what's been made before: "This is how it's actually going to be when something big and crazy happens. You're not going to be flying your fucking crop duster into the belly of an alien saucer. You're going to be dealing with shit with your family and friends and yourself."

So the finding-his-faith and nothing-is-coincidence messages don't work for some people--big deal. They--and the aliens--are about as essential to the film as the color of the shirt Mel Gibson was wearing in the second scene.
After a decades-long career which includes the highest awards the movie industry can bestow, I still only can picture Rod Steiger dual-wielding handguns and shouting "KILL! KILL! ANNIHILATE!"
Originally posted by xfer
The great thing about this film was the filmmaking. Unlike "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable"--both great films--"Signs" was built in the shape of an X. More like a flattened X...><.
On this level, yeah, I'd say I enjoyed it. But certain specific pieces of 'anal-ity' (on my part) made me enjoy the movie a bit less as a whole. I enjoyed the fact that the movie dealt with the family unit, separated from the outside world, and the dialogue was interesting usually, but there were certain neat and tidy things that just irked the hell out of me.

There's a thread about the movie at the Relapse board too, and they seemed to like it.
Originally posted by xfer

So the finding-his-faith and nothing-is-coincidence messages don't work for some people--big deal. They--and the aliens--are about as essential to the film as the color of the shirt Mel Gibson was wearing in the second scene.

You actually think the crisis-of-faith thing was just a subplot thrown in for spice? The movie ends with him becoming a preacher again and blah blah blah. I agree that the whole isolation thing is really nicely done and very effective, but disregarding major thrusts of the movie is ridiculous. And if they are inessential to the film, why are they there and why is so much screen time devoted to them?

And by the way, Signs is definitely not the only movie to tackle the subject matter you're talking about. Check out "Testament" for a similar treatment of nuclear war. It's the only one that comes to mind immediately...