Nicodemix & Marksveld

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I know that you both have the Worship - Last Vinyl Before Doomsday. Seeing that I missed the boat and/or was too lazy at the time, I will chop off my left nut AND offer you considerable amounts of goods/money for that fucking release.

Or I will hunt you both down and make it my own. :loco:

Get me "A Moonclad Reflection" and we'll trade.


Find a copy for me to get with my own money, and if I actually aquire it, I'll sell you the Worship for 10 dollars shipped.
actually we have the CD versions. I also have a copy of the original Impaler of Trendies tape but I do not have the vinyl. I saw it on eBay once, so check back. I am constantly looking for the other two Worship splits that I don't have.
yeah, it is. If I have a folder of links that I check daily in my favourite places (and I do) and I haven't seen one in months... heh.
Doomcifer said:
Well CD is actually better.

This is just my opinion, but that album is THE best extreme doom album ever recorded. Too bad the fucker had to cease himself.

yes a pity.

I hear that The Doomonger has brought the band back together (ie. found a replacement for Fucked-Up-Mad-Max) and is working on new material, but I have no idea when a new release can be expected.

I sent Erik a copy of the tape in his package with the Cathedral CD. He should eat that shit up for breakfast and will keep him licking the plate for weeks.
Erik said:
What the fuck. And I have had numerous chances of acquiring this but I never thought it was THAT good. Silly me then.

FUCK YES it is. It's amazing actually. I have always been meaning to try and find the fucker but am just finally now REALLY trying to locate it since I have some disposable income due to good ol' Egay.
Erik said:
Hehe, you're a quick posting fucker, that wasn't directed at you. :) Still, you don't have Stream... on any format? FER SHAAAAAAAAAAAAME.

I only have it on gay mp3 format for a longass time. I should get that one now too since I have the money for it. I still have a hard time spending outrageous amounts of money on a single album, but there are exceptions.