Nietzsche, Patron Saint of Black Metal?

Nietzsche was a nazi prick who's own life was contradictary to his ideals. He was weak, sickly, and was a classic "lives in his parent's basement" case. Not that I have any problem with the aformentioned characteristics, the entire "ubermensch" ideal is disgusting.

Nietzsche was a nazi prick who's own life was contradictary to his ideals. He was weak, sickly, and was a classic "lives in his parent's basement" case. Not that I have any problem with the aformentioned characteristics, the entire "ubermensch" ideal is disgusting.

But yeah I can see his influence in black metal.

Fucking retard. Read a little history on the man, and you'll realize it was his sister that took advantage of his writings and how many others began to perceive his words. Hell, you probably think Einstein believed in a Christian God too.

Also; fuck ANUS.
Fucking retard. Read a little history on the man, and you'll realize it was his sister that took advantage of his writings and how many others began to perceive his words. Hell, you probably think Einstein believed in a Christian God too.

Also; fuck ANUS.

Yes I know about his sister's envolvement, I took an entire philosophy class on him.

Obviously, he wasn't actually a "Nazi" since he predated the movement by nearly a century, but his work certainly influenced Nazi ideals. I guess one of the biggest differences between his ideology and Nazism's is that instead of killing off the jews and other "undesirable classes/races" he would have put them all to slave labor (which the Nazis did to some extent).

And it's historical fact that he was often sick and eventually went insane.

And Einstein was a deist, that's it.
Yes I know about his sister's envolvement, I took an entire philosophy class on him.

Obviously, he wasn't actually a "Nazi" since he predated the movement by nearly a century, but his work certainly influenced Nazi ideals. I guess one of the biggest differences between his ideology and Nazism's is that instead of killing off the jews and other "undesirable classes/races" he would have put them all to slave labor (which the Nazis did to some extent).

And it's historical fact that he was often sick and eventually went insane.

And Einstein was a deist, that's it.

I normally wouldn't say this, but god damnit, you're woefully ignorant and should not speak further on this matter before you learn the facts on the subject on which you wish to converse.
Nietzsche was a nazi prick who's own life was contradictary to his ideals. He was weak, sickly, and was a classic "lives in his parent's basement" case. Not that I have any problem with the aformentioned characteristics, the entire "ubermensch" ideal is disgusting.

No, he was one of the youngest tenured professors in Europe and lived frugally on payments from that service.

He was not a Nazi; he was far more extreme, in the Aristotelian-Platonic tradition.
Read a little history on the man, and you'll realize it was his sister that took advantage of his writings and how many others began to perceive his words.

Read a little more, and you'll find out how the translations we have of his works were never influenced by this, nor was the interpretation of his writings.

A little bit of knowledge is dangerous.