Nightingale albums--where to start???


Muse Of Fire
Mar 17, 2004
jewtown, ma

so, i am a major fan of bloodbath and really like moontower and EOS (what i have heard so far).

where to start with nightingale?

i favor the "harder" stuff, so perhaps the top 2 hard rockin', most metal(ish) albums would be a good start...

so, what are they???

thanks so much...

T-Rat said:

so, i am a major fan of bloodbath and really like moontower and EOS (what i have heard so far).

where to start with nightingale?

i favor the "harder" stuff, so perhaps the top 2 hard rockin', most metal(ish) albums would be a good start...

so, what are they???

thanks so much...


No Nightingale album is compareble to the stuff you mention, as Nightingale is much more "popish" than all those. Invisable is their most "rockin" album I`d say, but I`d recommend you to check the band/project Oddyssey first, if you want a more metalish sound.
I'd go with Invisible or Nightfall Overture for starters. They sound chunkier than the old stuff :)
I started with Alive Again, and love every second of it, great stuff there!

Basically, every Nightingale Album is worth a listen, so just draw names from a hat and have at it.
i've got to admit, that i wasn't really interested in dan's 10 k projects for long time. hell i already got bloodbath and eos, what did i need new bands for?^^

today i saw a nightingale cd in my local music shop and bought it.
alive again.


man, this album is fabulous!
i like dan's growls on the eos records very much, the clean parts aren't that bad either, but his vocals on this cd are just...just fantastic!

state of shock and into the light are my favorite songs by far right now,
but what album should i buy next? is any of the other albums somehow like AA?(or even better, i guess)
Nightfall Overture is probably the best place to start, then Invisible. The newer stuff is a lot, lot more polished. They're also heavier, at least Nightfall Overture definitely has a metal edge to it.

Some albums, like I, are very strong overall but have poor recording (and I'm quoting Dan on this, just ask him about the production on that album). Others, like the Breathing Shadow, have one or two epic songs, but overall the album feels like Dan is stretching himself out creatively rather than trying to put together a great album.

Remember that for most of the Nightingale albums, he had EoS responsibilities, and I think in particular the last two Nightingale albums demonstrate how good the band is now that he has a lot more time to dedicate to it. Actually, when you think about it, you can say the same thing about Crimson II. I know most people will name another album as their "favorite" EoS album (me included, as Purgatory is my fav), it's definitely the most polished and epic EoS album.

So go with the new, as Dan gets better with age. =)