


Tyr said that a new bus whould cost like $250,000-400,000 and a new nightliner 800,000-1,200,000. I don´t really get it, will it cost like $800,000 just to put in some damn beds in the bus?? Can you in that case rent two ordinary busses for $35,000 instead of two nightliners for $105,000? Couldn´t you just been sleeping in a normal bus and hurting your neck for a mouth? Or is it just to much arrogant-rockstar-attitude over borknagar :p :p :p :p :p :p
Sounds like time to put some metal forging gearheads together with some weavers and take a spin.:lol:
Circumstance may be not right, a bus shouldn't be that much.
On a more upscale note, I bet it'll give time for other goodie's.:) :p
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Rockstar arrogance????we can't be awake for a month!

mr V

no but you can sleep on a ordinary busseat, right?
Originally posted by Morgana
@ svältvinter: I think that question is quite ridiculous.

Bed or a seat whats the big diffrent? Is it really enought reason to cancel the hole damn tour?
Belive it or not, but it makes a big difference! Being on tour is really hard work so to be able to sleep properly is a must.
Though, that's not the reason why the tour is off. There was no way we could do it eqonomically. Some times reality bites...
Originally posted by Øystein G. Brun
Belive it or not, but it makes a big difference! Being on tour is really hard work so to be able to sleep properly is a must.
Though, that's not the reason why the tour is off. There was no way we could do it eqonomically. Some times reality bites...

Well, maybe you right, but i still don´t get it.
@ svältvinter: no offence but you cannot expect them to live in an ordinary bus for a whole month! :eek:
I know I couldn't. (I would not like to live in a nightliner for a month as well though.....)
Originally posted by FailingAcension
All votes to make svältvinter sleep on a bus seat for a month say "Aye":lol:....just kidding...don't get pissed...:)

Sure, if somebody whants to here me plaing the guitarr for 15nights, i think i can handle it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D