Nightwish - Dark Passion Play

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
After this album, i have listened to the other albums cause i miss Tarja's voice....

Anette dosen't cut it for me.... i feel like Tarja's voice is what made nightwish what it is....her opera like vocals were deep and amazing. Anette is nothing compared to Tarja and i am disapointed...

The music is good....but I want Targa back..............dammit

Its aggrivating to know that Nightwish isn't Nightwish anymore with anette...i will be looking forward to any projects tarja has in the future cause i love her voice.
i hope they all break up and never show up in any metal scene ever...

i saw nightwish live with tarja...they sucked ass

hmm maybe if they would kick out this new singer 2 and add some1 like Trevor Strnad to the band its worth listening

i still hate those ego-tripping "goths" though
i like teh band alot, its cool for kids to listen tothis stuff as well....
any way, she sounds like she is experienced for the job....have to check it uout sometime soon with this new babe, i ques you fucks only hear the shit all the time,and wouldnt know a perfect pitch vox if it hit you with a pig destroyer.
Hmm, I had some tolerance and even a little respect for this band once - the key word being "had", here. That is, of course, until they delayed Slayer's set at a festival (even if it was by a mere 1 or 2 songs), due to "some asshole at the airport *tells some shit anecdote about spaghetti and the airport delay*", to quote the keyboardist. I don't care. If you can't get on stage in time, that's your fucking problem; not Slayer's (or any band that's following for that matter).

Also, Tarja 50-pence-piece-face is a cunt. :)
Because you're the only one that openly likes them and most have either not heard of them or don't care enough to make a thread?