Nightwish - Imaginaerum


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
I'm so excited for this album/movie! They just released the single and its music video, check it out!

That video is brilliant. That's some real quality production there. I love the chorus to this song, it's so catchy and powerful!

1. Taikatalvi
2. Storytime
3. Ghost River
4. Slow, Love, Slow
5. I Want My Tears Back
6. Scaretale
7. Arabesque
8. Turn Loose the Mermaids
9. Rest Calm
10. The Crow, the Owl and the Dove
11. Last Ride of the Day
12. Song of Myself
13. Imaginaerum

Drool. I have really high expectations for this album and so far it looks very promising! And that clown at 1:28... How creepy! :lol:
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Nightwish I really want to like you. Why won't you let me? I keep trying so hard :(

This was just very boil-in-the-bag generic for my liking. Almost pop in overall feeling. Guitar-by-numbers. Even the vocals (and I know I don't like female vocals) just lacked punch and sounded very flat and lifeless.

Just IMHO. Maybe you have to be a fan to appreciate something I'm missing but it should be able to hook new listeners too and it just didn't sound like anything special.

/2 cents
Dang! It took Dark Passion Play for me to truly appreciate Nightwish and after that I was able to go back and listen to the previous albums and really enjoy them, seems like you're one of the bunch who just can't get into them at all! Nothing wrong with that. :p

I've heard several people use 'pop' to describe this... is that a bad thing, though? It seems like it's the worst term you could use to describe something in the metal community. If anything I feel like Dark Passion Play had 'poppier' songs than Storytime is but even then I still don't think if something is poppy it's a bad thing... if anything, PQ's Better Days is one of the poppiest things they've done and it's stunning!

Or it could just be the case of me getting old and jaded in regards to metal even though I'm young. Who knows!
Love Nightwish and have just listened to the new song a few times now. In places it does sound like other Nightwish songs, but overall enjoyable. Looking forward to new album and the film should be interesting
I didn't mean to throw around 'pop' insultingly like in some metal circles where if anything isn't screamed or downtuned to C it's somehow "Top of the Pops" worthy! I like a good deal of classic pop, no genre is necessarily or innately a "bad thing". Strictly in feeling and what I got from the overall sound style and perhaps production, came across more pop than metal to my ears. Seems like I'm not alone in this impression but I also get the impression Nightwish have this huge following and I can't quite understand why. Maybe the rest of this album is worth a go though...
No worries Dom, went off on a bit of a tangent as I'm truthfully kind of in a sour mood today! All good :lol:

I wonder if there will be a multitude of videos for this album like the last one, what with the movie and all. Would be interesting to see - Turn Loose the Mermaids sounds like an interesting one...
Been waiting for this album/ movie forever.

Storytime really got the nightwish sound, love it.

I get the feeling this movie will be quite similar to The nightmare before christmas movie, which I love, so this will be amazing when it's released!