Nightwish/Kamelot: Big news on both shows


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I have confirmed that *both* Nightwish & Kamelot will be mixing up their setlists on Wed & Thurs. I have no idea how much exactly, but I was stoked to get the news about it this morning.

If you want to hear it all from both bands, Atlanta is the only place that will happen.
Very smart move by both bands. Aside from potentially boosting sales, this decision makes us hardcore PP types feel valued. My thanks to both bands as well as Glenn & Jen for making it possible.
From Nightwish's facebook:

The North American tour is drawing near!

Soon it's finally time to head to North America to carry out our colossal 25 show tour! Our special shows last January at the Gibson Amphitheater and on 70000 Tons Of Metal Cruise were nothing short of perfect and it's a great pleasure to get to play there again for a complete tour. See you all soon!!!

Some important information from the promoter:
The 2nd show in Atlanta (Sep 13th) is already nearly sold out. If you did not get your ticket yet, act fast! The 1st show on Sep 12th still has some tickets left, but is to be sold out in advance as well, so don't miss it! These two shows will have slightly different setlists.

Thanks to your fantastic response is again offering a reduced service charge for the North American tour tickets. Find your closest city and get into it @
