Nightwish/Kamelot in Atlanta on Sept. 12+13....hmmmm

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Once I saw that NIGHTWISH said a North American tour would happen in the fall, The lightbulb came on and I had a hunch the Thursday show might possibly be them. I hope it is. KAMELOT would be the gravy over it all.
I believe these dates were denied by Tuomas on his FB page. Haven't seen it myself, but this is what I heard.....

Well not really Tuomas, his Facebook administrator, but yes they are saying it is false, but i still gotta say hmmmmmmmm, seems doable, and something Glenn could pull off.
That's a bucket list pairing for me! If they aren't at ProgPower but a competing venue....I might have to miss something to see them!
I do not think Ewo Pohjola and John Finberg are stupid enough to book this at a competing venue with ProgPower on similar dates. That would be the ultimate knife in Glenn's back. However, if Tuomas already said those dates are false, I can see the 12th and/or 13th being at Center Stage.
Yeah I saw this and automatically thought that could be the kickoff, with the dates of course being wrong. If so, I'm torn honestly on attending as while I still like the discs of Nightwish, I'm not a fan of Annette live. I guess what would put me over the fence would be dependent on who Kamelot's singer was.
I do not think Ewo Pohjola and John Finberg are stupid enough to book this at a competing venue with ProgPower on similar dates. That would be the ultimate knife in Glenn's back. However, if Tuomas already said those dates are false, I can see the 12th and/or 13th being at Center Stage.

Well they're not on the same days as the festival though so it's not like they directly interfere. And if they were legitimate it would make sense that the dates may have been the secret pre-party dates. But if they're false whatever!
Well they're not on the same days as the festival though so it's not like they directly interfere. And if they were legitimate it would make sense that the dates may have been the secret pre-party dates.

Thank you, Captain Obvious!
I do not think Ewo Pohjola and John Finberg are stupid enough to book this at a competing venue with ProgPower on similar dates.

I don't think you understand who wins the "more influential to the american metal scene" award between Glenn and John.

Glenn may be a massive boon for Metal in America with Progpower, but it's ultimately one weekend a year. Almost every significant US Metal tour starts and ends with Finberg, all year long, with almost ALL of the heavy hitters. That relationship goes down the tubes, Progpower has a significantly smaller pool of bands to draw from.

Hope no one sees this as an offensive post, I'm just telling it like it is. Frankly, while I applaud JF for his work ethic, I don't necessarily know how much I like that he's got the market utterly cornered.

But ultimately, no, I don't think John would do that, either. I'm not going to speculate on whether or not these rumors are true until I either see it on NW's site, or Glenn breaks silence on the issue. Until then, BWBK should STFU about shit like this.
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