NIGHTWISH: North American Tour Postponed

I don't really think she would come back in the band, and somehow I hope she don't. Cause of her behavior, I definitely understand why they kicked her out. If she gets back in the band, thats fine, and if she dosen't, thats fine to... Theres plenty as good singers as Tarja out there, so why shouldn't they find a new. I ofcourse hope that her solo project will get some succes, but IT NEVER WILL get as much succes like Nightwish! Somehow I think she kinda used Nightwish just to get famous in someway, and that her chances therefore would be bigger to start something later, cause then people will know her so well, and be more interested in her solo project, like: "oh my god, it's Tarja Turunen! it only can be good". Thats just some few thoughts I had about it.
I really wish that Tarja would rejoin the band. Do not take me wrong, I like Annette as well, but it just did not seem the same for me. I saw Nightwish with Tarja once and then again in 2008 with Annette, and to me the energy and the band were just not the same.

Last I saw Tarja sing 2 duets with Doro Pesch at Doro's 25th Anniversary Concert in Duesseldorf last December. That was pretty sweet.
I haven't heard Annette with them either. I am interested to see how that works out. I personally am disappointed that Tarja is no longer with them.
I saw them 2x with Annette.

Unfortunately I never had the chance to see them with Tarja.

I like both singers equally.

Different but both good in my opinion.

One thing I do appreciate with Annette is that I feel she is more accessible. Less "Operatic" and easier to understand in my opinion.
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