NIGHTWISH's Imaginaerum Now streaming

Just out of curiosity, how the hell are you guys getting copies of this disk? Ordering through import from Finland?

No, I cannot friggan wait until I get to hear this. I've pretty much loved just about everything that Nightwish has put out over the years. I still find myself going back and spinning Wishmaster, and then throwing on DPP immediately after. I remember when I was in Vegas, stuck in the apartment fixing some bugs in the software we were field testing, so I rigged my iPod to the stereo system that was in there (and it was actually a pretty decent stereo in that place) and had Century Child playing. My co-worker walked in as he had a question about an implementation and then stopped mid-sentence then was like "Who the hell is that you are listening to? That sounds AWESOME!" I showed him and next thing I know, he was getting tickets when they played in Baltimore.

I will wait to hear it myself before passing judgment or coming up with an informed opinion on it, but looking forward to it big time.
Just out of curiosity, how the hell are you guys getting copies of this disk? Ordering through import from Finland?

Come on, dude, really? You know damn well how we're getting it. The DAY it pops on iTunes or Amazon in mp3 I will snag it immediately.
I got mine through Record Shop X. I order from them pretty frequently. They were a little slow this time around, but usually I get my order in about 4-5 days and the shipping is reasonable. This time it was $3.80.
Come on, dude, really? You know damn well how we're getting it. The DAY it pops on iTunes or Amazon in mp3 I will snag it immediately.

I am quite aware of "those" sources.

I was curious where people were already able to obtain legitimate, physical copies, since this is not due to be released until January here in the US. Figured (and I was correct) of just getting Finnish imports. Debating if I want to go and just get it through the Nightwish shop or just wait until it inevitably hits the Best Buy right here in my neighborhood.
So far, from what I've heard, is that it's NOT the groundbreaking, epic CD I was expecting, but... it's still a great CD release. It's grown on me a bit, but I'm not sure - yet - how it stands in comparison to the GREAT Dark Passion Play. Interestingly, the strongest song is "Storytime" and I hear at least 3-4 other totally awesome tracks. The other half is good, but not up to the standards set by those. We shall see, though, when I can pick up the official CD and spin it 100 times in 1 hour. ;-)