Nile et al. in Springfield.

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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Kick-ass show. Too tired to type much about it now, except to mention the stupid redneck motherfucker who was pissing everyone in the audience off by shoving his way in front of people whenever he wanted, smelling bad, and generally acting stupid. He taunted Napalm Death during their entire set, standing right at the front of the stage (after having pushed my friend Fred out of the way and then standing in front of him so that he couldn't see). He gave the band the finger numerous times, called them a bunch of British fuckwads, etc. The bassist cracked me up when he said "I presume that is your sad excuse for an American sense of humour." So anyway, this guy was terribly annoying, but didn't realise it. He seriously didn't see that he was getting on everyone's nerves. We ended up stepping back to the perimeter for Nile's set in hopes that we could pay more attention to the songs than to the retard in the pit. Skip ahead to the end of the show: The fucking asshole (who was surprisingly absent during most of Nile's set) walked up as we were waiting by the stage to shake their hands as they left (cutting in front of us, of course). Guitarist/vocalist Karl Sanders sees him coming, and says "They warned me about you, you little fuck" (or something like that) and next thing I know, he lands a punch on the base of this guy's neck and comes over the rail at the edge of the stage, beating him down to the floor and punching him several times in the back. Security comes over, but doesn't intervene because they know what an asshole that guy was, and finally take him out of the club, but not until several good punches found their mark and Karl let him know what he thought of his behaviour towards the bands. We then approached Karl, only to find him to be like the nicest guy ever, and thanked him for beating the shit out of that guy. The end.

"That little shit was looking for an ass-whooping....and he got one tonight!"
Yeah Karl is wicked nice. He spent like 5 or 10 minutes explaining his sampling rig and guitar synth stuff to me once. He's also pretty weight-lifter lookin' (as in the photo) and does not look like a guitarist at all. Short, stubby fingers and short arms. Steve Vai's polar opposite.