

Master Exploder
I have winamp on random, and the only Nile mp3 I have "Unas Slayer Of The Gods" starts playing, and I start liking it and decide that depsite the ridiculously low and balls vocals, the music slays. I love just after the 5 and a half minute mark how it goes into an interlude bit that sounds like music from a Conan movie.

Anyway, my question was, what are some Nile songs with some good music in them and without shitty production, as this is the only one I have heard, which I downloaded a while back just to hear what style they were.
Ramses Bringer Of War has one of the greatest intros ever written in the history of heavy metal. Then after 2 minutes they ruin it. But its a great 2 minutes :)

Ill dig out the demos album and let you know the good songs on that Blitzy, the vocals are much more understandable and the sound is generally clearer as they arent playing too fast for their SHITTY production to keep up :)
DravenMist said:
Shut up IDIOTS, with your perfectionist productional views...!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or whatever)

As for Nile, I only own one album, unfortunately, but it is In Their Darkened Shrines (of which Unas is off)

Despite what anyone says, I believe it has one of the best sounds of any Death Metal albums I've ever heard, aside from Abramelin's Self Titled album. Alot of Death Metal albums sound weak, and unfinished.

Nile is something different and fresh in Death Metal, you cannot deny that. They have a ballsy sound, it is brutal as fuck, and it is a very thick tight sound.

Some stand-out songs on 'In Their Darkened Shrines' are:

The Blessed Dead
Wind Of Horus
I Whisper In The Dead

At the end of the CD, this is a series of parts to a song. It is called "In Their Darkened Shrines - Parts 1-4" total it goes for about 18 minutes, and is four different parts, but they all work together (to tell a story apparently)...These tracks have a mix of Egyptian based music, and typical Nile brutal death metal...but they work so well. These tracks are probably best left for when you buy the CD, as they need to be heard all together, and with the album...

I think Nile is one of the more listenable and unique of the current Death Metal bands, of which alot lean over to the Grind field recently.

There is alot of Death Metal around now, that is pure's just brutal noise...undistinguishable riffs, and hyper blast beats - I'll admit that one.

But Nile...Nile is something different. They are as brutal as any other band, but have killer riffs and solos, that are easily heard, and sometimes adding a bit of a melodic touch.

Decide for yourself, I suppose.
IDIOTS? Well you asked for it.

Well considering I own three of their cds im sure I can work out if they have shit production. I have been told by many Nile fans that Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephran Ka is by far their best album production wise and by god its embarrassing to consider that as their recording budgets have gotten bigger they have just used it to descend into a shittily produced muddy hell. With extra bear growls. Albums in the death metal genre from a DECADE ago sound better than Niles albums production wise. Yes, production DOES matter, particularly when the music is as fast and technical as Nile, if you dont have good production it sounds like a shitty sloppy mess. Which it does. Because they dont.

Fresh and brutal? What is fresh about EVERY SINGLE SONG being about Egypt? Its fresh for one album, ill grant you that. Now they are predictable and brutal. Not that predictable bands cant be great, look at Iron Maiden. But stop swinging from their nuts because they write songs about Ra.

That you call Nile one of the more listenable death metal bands is beyond hilarious.
DravenMist said:
that is pure's just brutal noise...undistinguishable riffs, and hyper blast beats .

Aren't you obsessed with Black Metal.

in which 98% of the genre is undistinguishable riffs and hyper blast beats.
Divine Intent from the demo cd also has a cool intro etc. The lyrics are almost understandable in places too, it must have been an accident.
Setherial rock too :headbang: As do Immortal.

Nile dont though. They have sand in their pants.