
:worship: :worship: MORBID ANGEL! :worship: :worship:

NOTHING in the death metal genre comes even close to the brilliance and diversity of Blessed Are The Sick. Its a shame so many people ignore MA because of the death metal tag :cry:
fuck you all
Nile is the best
Your conclusion is ultimately flawed because you have no idea why they are on there in the first place. You have been owned. Yours sincerely, Spawn :)
I just got 'Ramses Bringer Of War', and your right Spawno, the first minute and a half is a killer, then it just turns into a boring death song. Stupid, stupid band. They are capable of making such awesome music, and throw it away like that.

Any other songs that have some badass music?
Exactly, the only thing worse than shitty songs from a no talent band is shitty songs from a talented band :)

Ill have a quick listen again to work out which ones are the instrumentals when I get home and list them later tonight :)