Nine Inch Nails – Pretty Hate Machine

Not my favorite kind of music, although it has been in my collection since it's '89 release (I was 10 yrs old at the time). Now and again I may pull one of his albums out but I prefer 'Downward Spiral'. As far as PHM goes my 2 favorite tracks are 'Sin' and 'That's What I Get'. These ones have my favorite lyrics from the album. I also like the latter because it's the only time you hear that type of sound come out of NIN. Had it been the formula he stuck with I wouldn't care for it as much.
yes, and The Fragile kicks much ass also...I can't wait for With Teeth to come out, I just want to know how it's going to sound
YES. I am on top of that shit. I heart NIN. I hope that it isn't a different sound. Surely though, Trent Reznor of all people would not sell out. I love the fact that his music isn't rushed. I want it to stay that way.
Just as amazing as Shakespeare. In some ways, better. I guess because it's in our "language". I love the fact that Trent says whatever the fuck he feels like saying.
Nine Inch Nails are my favorite band. I can't think of an album I don't like, even the remixed albums are good. Nine Inch Nails got me into industrial and from there that's how I got into metal. If it wasn't for NIN I wouldn't be into the metal bands I am into today. NIN got me to listen to Fear Factory because FF was an industrial metal band. I liked the aggressiveness of FF and from their I got heavier with my bands; eventually getting into the underground metal scene. I have a NIN tattoo on my arm if any of you want to see it, just send me a message if you like.
I agree that not one album is despisable. And the only song that I absolutely dislike is "Down In It." I hate it for some reason. Anyway, I got to see NIN for the first time this past summer. It was so amazing. I wish that everytime I felt like hearing Trent's vocals I could just call him up and have him perform for me. haha.
PHM is a good album with a few great tracks and really lame instrumentation/production. TDS is NIN's best album songwise and production wise.