NitND vs. TGCD: Round 1

Which is the better opener?

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Leaders is way better IMO. Leaders' vocal melodies and riffs are more interesting and it has got some quality leads also. The chorus is more catchy. (Actually Forsaker's chorus is far from being catchy.) So for me everything points towards Leaders.
leaders is awesome, forsaker is good too, but leaders was one of my top TGCD songs, so i voted that way

Forsaker obviously. Leaders is one of the worst Kata tracks.

Forsaker > Leaders

both good albums/songs though. i enjoy NitND more though, lots of cool stuff going on, one of katatonia's best to date along with BMD and LFDGD imo.

you guys = both suck :cool:

Actually the point of the thread isn't which album people prefer, but rather judging the merits of the individual tracks. The thread got sidetracked right off the bat.

i dont know how so many people didnt see that :lol:, the first half of this thread was pissin me off
TGCD all the way,NitND is almost guitarless

Some of NITND has less guitars, but Forsaker is nowhere near guitarless and is heavy as fuck. It is also a better song than Leaders, hands down. Honestly, I do not think NITND suffers because of the amount of distorted guitars, I really believe that the albums turn out better when Anders writes at least half of the material. Ashen is a better song than a few that made the album, for example. Tracks 6-9 have almost no drive/uptempo sections to them, and Ashen would have been perfect for that part of the CD, as it bogs down a bit for me.
I voted Forsaker, and my automatic response was to say i prefer TGCD to NITND... but track by track will be interesting I think :D

Leaders is one of the worst Kata tracks.

Silly Stefanstyle, did you hurt your head somehow? because you're talking nonsense again :D
To be honest Leaders is my favourite Katatonia song. It's just incredibly powerful and atmospheric at the same time, love the combination of heavy riffing and the wailing lead...

But really, Forsaker is an excellent song as well.
Don't you guys think it would be a lot better to put The Great Cold Distance vs Viva Emptiness? NITND is a very different album from anything they've ever done.
I consider TGCD and NITND having more in common with each other than VE. For me, those two albums (TGCD and NITND) are in a completely different league above their previous material. Although that is mainly due to the vast improvement in the vocals and the way Jonas started singing on TGCD (and continued into NITND). His vocals now have a lot of eerie melisma techniques and sounds almost "mantra/chant-like". VE certainly has some good songs on it, but TGCD and NITND are the only two Katatonia albums where I enjoy every single song (including the b-sides).

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