NJ Metal Meltdown


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2003
West Haven, CT
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Hey, what's up everyone? I just visited Royal Carnage for the first time since hanging with Mark at the Metalfest all weekend. I am most impressed. How's it going Mark!??? David here. Just wanted to say the site looks great. I had an absolute blast this weekend. Sorry we missed you after Amon Amarth. We ended up finding Nathan again though. I'm looking forward to staying in touch with everyone. Stay Metal! Talk to you soon!
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Reactions: MadeInNewJersey
Excellent dude, good to see you here!

Was a blast meeting you & other Dave, hanging with the bands and all. Heh, so you found Nathan again eh? That man was a scary party animal. Hope his voice holds up for the whole tour...anyway, keep on paying us visits, we're about to get a whole lot better!
Currently Active Users: 7 (5 members & 2 guests), Members: Dick Sirloin, dorian gray, NAD, neal

Should be entertaining (assuming the ghost is doomcifer). Keep drinking and posting