No.1 Son joins the Army.....

what the hell is your problem Vinnie? Jesus Christ, a kid makes a choice to serve his country, and you try to shit all over it. I'm sure he understands the risks. Perhaps he wants to give a little something back for the freedoms we've all been afforded. Just because you're too much of a pussy to enlist, doesn't mean you have the right to shit all over someone else. Fuck you.
Yeah, I do think that combat would fuck me up, I really think that everyone is changed by such an event.

Everyone I know who has been to war have all come back with some injury that has persisted the rest of their lives, ie "got fucked up".

It is my hypothesis, from these findings that war... ....up, like a fuckin asshole!!

What combat are you talking about? This is Basra, not fucking Iwo Jima! This is life, not some goddamned video game...

I'm sure Nik's boy is combat-ready, and prepared to inflict maximum damage on the enemy while keeping an eye on his comrades.

But it doesn't mean he's gonna be stuck in some fuckin trench, clashing bayonets with the enemy while his buddy lies in a pool of his own blood. That shit has happened, but its the exception.

Damn it, bogus bull shit from Vietnam's slowly making its way back with the greyed, burnt-out hippies!

Here, let's get the bull shit rolling:

Always remember about [insert war of your choice], "Once you go Black, you never go back!"

Why do people always flaunt, "because of so-and-so, you can talk shit..."?

Yes. They can. Get over it...if you don't like being spit on, shit at, knocked around, criticized, called an idiot, treated like a lesser human being, and stereotyped, then get out of the fucking military. You don't join the military for a pat on the join the military because it's a personal choice, and no tickertape parades or pats on the back or stupid little yellow ribbons is going to change the fact that in this war, if you go to Iraq:

A. You will go into combat

B. You will be shot at

C. You or someone you know will probably die

If you cannot handle THE TRUTH, then maybe you really don't know what the military is all about. All the patriotism in the world doesn't change the fact that you are going into an area to kill people and you may possibly be killed.

That said, Nik, you should be comforted to know that since your son is fighting in Her Majesty's Armed Forces, he will probably be stationed in the south of Iraq, close to Kuwait. There, they drink beer, do a few perimeter runs, even sometimes have little parties. It's quite relaxed compared to places like An Nasirya, Baghdad, and Balad. Kudos to you and your son and your strong support of him. But you must remember, if someone wants to call him a baby-killer, you must let them. He signed up of his own free will to bear the burden so many have forgone. You are a number, a body, and you aren't special in the military. This isn't the movies...this is war. Don't throw shit at someone else because they have the right to throw shit at your son...that's what we're all about. Selfless sacrifice doesn't grant us special recognition. Just because you see it as honorable doesn't mean everyone else does...and should.

That said, saying "your son will get fucked up", although containing some truth, is crass, arrogant, immature, and of low class and taste.
This isn't the movies...this is war. Don't throw shit at someone else because they have the right to throw shit at your son...that's what we're all about. Selfless sacrifice doesn't grant us special recognition. Just because you see it as honorable doesn't mean everyone else does...and should. That said said:
Mate, please read my first reply, i agreed!!! BUT You throw a stone in my greenhouse and i'm gonna smash YOUR fuckin windows!!!!!!!!!!
...Oh and a couple of my pal's had party's in Iraq ???? What the fuck you on about !!!!! Partys, sorry but Italians and wars just are two words that dont mix well together CAPICH
Actually, I'm American and I served my country for 8 and a half years. I didn't bring it up because it shouldn't matter, anyway.

I was in Iraq, in the most attacked region as well, and was attacked every single day and a friend is dead and another is missing a leg. I now live in Italy after separating.

And while all your "pals" were getting one or two lobbed at them a week, we were ditch diving every day, all day and into the night.

Don't talk to me about something you know nothing about.

Capich doesn't exist...only stupid American-"Italian" people who can't speak Italian say that bullshit. Capisci? Actually, "Hai capito?" is a little more educated.

I wasn't throwing shit at you, but trying to offer you some insight because I know how you feel and where you're coming from...but I've seen it from both sides personally.

You don't want to debate war with me, it's best we drop this.
You're right pal I dont want to discuss war with you and I aint been there and aint likely i ever will, but you came across aggressive toward me (or i read it that way!?!). My good friend toured Iraq twice and Afgan once as well as Bosnia and i can tell you just by looking at his face that he had no picnic .
Respect Dead Winter capisci :)
Sorry about that, friend. I didn't mean to come across that way...sometimes I guess the written word can be misleading sometimes. Cheers, and good luck to your son! :)

I'll take the hit on that...sometimes I type the first thing that comes to my head and don't proofread it for how it sounds. Again, wasn't trying to attack you or anything and I don't like bringing up my military history because it just seems like I'm asking for recognition for something I willingly signed up to do and was told to's not like I had a choice in the matter. I don't like the fact that people only believe you if you say you've done it, and won't take your word for it, but in cases of things like the military, there's so much bullshit flying around that you need someone who's been there and done it to give you the truth. On one side you've got the bleeding heart pussies trying to save everything and shit on the human race, and on the other, you have the armchair generals who think that the answer to all the world's problems is to bomb the fuck out of everyone.

Well, that's not such a bad idea in the Middle East, :lol:
Why do people always flaunt, "because of so-and-so, you can talk shit..."?

Yes. They can. Get over it...if you don't like being spit on, shit at, knocked around, criticized, called an idiot, treated like a lesser human being, and stereotyped, then get out of the internet

fixed for accuracy.
Hey man...much respect for your girl's brother is joining the Navy. He just turned 18 and was just planning to be a diesel mechanic, but after he took the Armed Forces test and some other tests, he was approached about being a SEAL. After passing their test, he has been accepted for SEAL training...his sister and I were both proud as hell that he was joining to begin with, but are beyond proud that he's getting the chance to join the elite.
Yer bro is going to fight so that the rich to maintain their social status.

um... takes one to know one or some shit like that....

Nik is happy cause he is sendin his lil boy off to shoot some Jawas, Yay, like he said "All Muslims Must Die"!
Yer bro is going to fight so that the rich to maintain their social status.

um... takes one to know one or some shit like that....

Nik is happy cause he is sendin his lil boy off to shoot some Jawas, Yay, like he said "All Muslims Must Die"!

If there was ever any question about your ignorance, you have put that to bed with this post. Nik is proud of his boy because he supports his son and is behind him. I am sure Nik would be just as proud if his son chose barber college. See, that is what family members do for one another. They support them and are proud of them. It is apparent that you were not the recipient of any such affection or support. Otherwise, you wouldn't consistently produce posts that are void of substance. Your posts are an obvious cry for attention. Like any 11 year old who feels neglected. You would rather have negative attention than no attention at all. Deal with your insecurities and then come back. Maybe someone besides yourself will be able to stomach you.
Have a nice day.
Thanks Faq, that made me think....and a good point too,

I thought "Jawa" was the correct term for the Muslims around here.

I do know that the Muslims wear the Head Scarf for the same reason as the Mother Mary in Christianity, they are adhering to an early Jewish tradition.... that's what I hear from the shitty Fox Produced 30 Days anyway

And did you know that Jesus is a prophet in the Koran, and that the reason you say Amen at the end of a prayer is a tribute to the egyptian Sun God, Amen Ra, man that shit is fucked up

but yeah, I don't think anybody needs to die over this shit, no one,

Human life is precious, and we must remember our oneness with everything, blowin shit up does not help. It is just Richass macho posturing that relies on rape, murder and torture and that will happen on both sides. War Corrupts good people, war is Not good for anyone involved. Canada's Military used to be about saving peoples asses, pfft, not any more ! So if thinkin that way makes me Ignorant, well, Guess I got me a lot o' lernin to be doin'! Perhaps I shall tear a part Some Rush Limbah, Coulter, Malken, or O'Riliey literature, That Crap is free at the Library, and it's a fuckin sinch to read. I got this one book called "The Mass Media in Canada", it is a bitch to read, seriously!