AWOL from the Kiss Army


Oct 14, 2003
I agree with this guy. I've been AWOL since about 1984 or so.


Kiss, Me
A former Kiss Army soldier recalls his torturous tour of duty. A former Kiss Army soldier recalls his torturous tour of duty.

It's not easy being a Kiss fan, even a reformed one.
I haven't been able to stomach the self-proclaimed "hottest band in the world" for years. I still cringe every time it hawks another overpriced trinket or embarks on its annual farewell tour. It's almost too tough to bear.

You see, Kiss was my first love, the first band that ever made me want to play air guitar, the first band that truly annoyed my big sister. They were gods back then. Gods of thunder.

So what the hell happened?

Kiss was the first concert I ever attended: second grade, 1979, Dynasty tour, original four members. Judas Priest opened. Kiss rose from under the stage in clouds of colored smoke -- red for Gene Simmons, blue for Ace Frehley, etc. Gene spat blood, breathed fire and flew up into the rafters for one tune. Ace played his smoking Gibson, and Paul Stanley shouted, "We love you!" so many times that we actually began to believe him. It was probably the greatest night of my young life.

I was hooked. Within a week, I enlisted in the Kiss Army. The amount of swag you got for $5 back then was astounding: posters, stickers, decals, trading cards, you name it. Before long, my bedroom was awash in Kiss merch. Posters everywhere, Kiss action figures, the Destroyer puzzle, a Love Gun belt buckle, comic books and an embarrassing stack of 16 magazines. I took my PB'n'Js to school in a Kiss lunch box.

And did I save any of it? Of course not. I'd be in Hawaii right now living off my eBay earnings if I had.

I also owned most of the albums, but they ranked a distant second to all the neat stuff. It didn't matter that the music wasn't that great or that all the bad double entendres fell flat on my 7-year-old ears. Christine Sixteen was a little old lady from my vantage point. And why would Gene want to meet anyone in the ladies' room?

In fifth grade, I discovered the Beatles and went permanently AWOL from the Kiss Army. I saw just one more Kiss concert, on one of the early-'80s tours when the band had fully embraced spandex. Kiss played the same old songs, and even Paul's stage patter hadn't changed one bit. I got free tickets and still felt ripped off.

In hindsight, it's easy to see the band's pattern of giving Kiss fans less than their money's worth. The Alive album was a studio fabrication. Ace's latter-day guitar solos were actually the work of hired hands. There was that string of bad Gene Simmons flicks. Tongue magazine. The logo-emblazoned coffin that doubles as a beer cooler.

Today, Kiss has become the worst possible parody of itself, a traveling Vegas act located at the intersection of nostalgia and bloated bombast. The band's contempt for its audience is palpable. Simmons smirks about ripping off Kiss fans in his books, which, of course, are purchased solely by Kiss fans.

This isn't merchandising -- it's meta-merchandising. The Kiss online store features a stunning array of products; it makes Insane Clown Posse's setup look like a Kool-Aid stand. There are $750 "premium gold edition" boxed sets, $800 casino chips, and Gene Simmons Underoos. And yes, you can still buy a Kiss lunch box, except now there are four to choose from.

When a band gets this absurd, it's hard to list every wince-inducing moment, but some lowlights stand out from the rest. As part of my ongoing therapy, then, here are the ten worst moments in Kisstory.

10. The much-hyped unmasking One look at Simmons and it was obvious why they'd gone with full face paint in the first place.

9. "I Was Made for Loving You" Kiss meets the phantom of the Bee Gees.

8. The long good-bye Kiss played its first farewell tour eight years ago. Since then, the band has been busy -- busy touring, that is. Last year, it played arenas with Aerosmith. This summer, it's hitting the sheds with Poison. Can an outing with White Lion be far off?

7. Very Best of the Greatest Hits Live In August, Kiss will release Kiss Gold, its umpteenth compilation of vintage material. Apparently Double Platinum, The Very Best of Kiss, The Millennium Collection, Smashes Thrashes and Hits, Greatest Kiss, and Kiss Killers just weren't enough. They should have called it Kiss Old.

6. The impostors The current Kiss tour features four members in original costume and makeup. But the guys sporting Ace's and Peter's gear are robotic, salaried replacements. Hey, wasn't that the plot of Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park?

5. Music From The Elder' The members of Kiss attempted to become serious artists when they hired knob twister Bob Ezrin, hot off producing Pink Floyd's The Wall. The resulting ill-conceived concept album was more like the Ishtar of heavy metal -- if Ishtar had starred Jewish guys in makeup singing songs about a boy with mysterious superpowers who battles to save the world.

4. Paul Stanley stars in The Phantom of the Opera A poor attempt at deflecting the rumors that he "likes show tunes."

3. The $1,000 backstage pass Wanna meet Tommy Thayer, the ex-guitar tech who now poses in Ace's costume and makeup? For a mere grand, you can snag the "Platinum Ticket Package," which includes a seat in the first two rows and a "band experience with photo." According to rules posted on the Kiss Web site, fans get only one photo, and it must be taken with the band's camera. Sounds like a real fun time. Whatever happened to the good old days, when you could get backstage if your girlfriend blew a roadie?

2. Kiss Kondoms You'll need one of these for your "band experience." Varieties include "tongue lubricated Gene" and "studded Paul." Yeech. Really the lowest point in the history of rock merchandising. Makes the coffin seem tasteful by comparison.

1. The Pepsi commercial Stanley and Simmons harmonize Pepsi's theme song, "The Joy of Cola," and unintentionally encapsulate everything Kiss Inc. is all about. That song oughta be on Kiss Gold.

I"m sorry Greeno this is Kinda WAAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic sorta but its Funny :) Like Last Week My Buddy Got Pulled over for Running a stop Sign .... so he sat there giving the cop all kinds of shit all that did was earn him a Bigger ticket but anyway The copper got to the part where he askes Jesse if he is in the Armed Services and Jesse told him Yes! I'm in the Kiss Army (He was wearing His Kiss army Shirt at the time) and the stupid fukin bastard actually wrote that on his ticket .... Offtopic I know Sorry :D
I saw that on Blabbermouth.

I have never been a Kiss fan. I got their "Hotter Than Hell" album in 1977 and did not like it and that was that for me.

Can't blame them for trying to make a shitload of money though. I would try to do the same when I had the chance.

Not really a constructive reply but thats all I got...
JonnyD said:
I"m sorry Greeno this is Kinda WAAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic sorta but its Funny :) Like Last Week My Buddy Got Pulled over for Running a stop Sign .... so he sat there giving the cop all kinds of shit all that did was earn him a Bigger ticket but anyway The copper got to the part where he askes Jesse if he is in the Armed Services and Jesse told him Yes! I'm in the Kiss Army (He was wearing His Kiss army Shirt at the time) and the stupid fukin bastard actually wrote that on his ticket .... Offtopic I know Sorry :D
:D Great story! What a stupid dick that cop had to be!
Hawk said:
I saw that on Blabbermouth.

I have never been a Kiss fan. I got their "Hotter Than Hell" album in 1977 and did not like it and that was that for me.

Can't blame them for trying to make a shitload of money though. I would try to do the same when I had the chance.

Not really a constructive reply but thats all I got...
Hawk how could you not like Hotter Than Hell?!
That's a fantastic record! Just yanking your chain.
I have been AWOL from the KISS ARMY of JACKASSES, since '99, that was the last straw...:mad:
I've been AWOL all along. Just like AC/DC my older brother played KISS a little too often for me. lol! :)

And JonnyD....good story :)
I'm guessing that Hawk didn't get into KISS because he was already too old in the 70's... that's not an "you're old" joke. I bet that most of us that loved them in the 70's were like 10 or 12 years old in the late 70's and they were one of (if not THE) first rock band we got into. I know that's how it was for me and alot of my friends. We found KISS and then they opened the door for us, leeding us into the 80's metal scene. But for the 70's it was all KISS and a little AC/DC for us. But I'm guessing that if you are already listening to Black Sabbath then KISS would have just been a kiddie band to you... hahaha
My own thoughts on KISS, the first four record were the shit.
I think that Destoyer & even Love Gun are a bit overrated by the ARMY of JACKASSES...
But hey, they like "I was Made for Lovin' You," & "A World without Heros," too...
One thing that my friend that owns a record said to me.
"KISS, I just don't get it. That's the type of gimmicky stuff, that's
aimed at the people that like pro wrestling!"
I have to agree to certain extent, I think that for the most part 80% of the KISS fanatics make the "Trekkies" seem normal...
DrillSergeant said:
May I ask what it is exactly that turns you off about Kiss?
Avarage song time between 2:50 or 3:00 minutes

every song:

Intro|verse|chorus|verse|chorus|bridge|Solo|chorus|verse|chorus ad infinitum

5 songs on side A
5 songs on side B

Does this sound like a format to you?

IOW totally predictable. I 1977 I was 19 and I already was a Kansas fan. I loved progressive and unpredictable song structures. Thats why today I am into Progressive metal. Thats btw the total oposite of Kiss.

Don't get me wrong. If you like Kiss, more power to you. Musical taste is personal. You may disagree, but Kiss is not what I personally am looking for in music.

Greeno said:
I'm guessing that Hawk didn't get into KISS because he was already too old in the 70's... that's not an "you're old" joke. I bet that most of us that loved them in the 70's were like 10 or 12 years old in the late 70's and they were one of (if not THE) first rock band we got into. I know that's how it was for me and alot of my friends. We found KISS and then they opened the door for us, leeding us into the 80's metal scene. But for the 70's it was all KISS and a little AC/DC for us. But I'm guessing that if you are already listening to Black Sabbath then KISS would have just been a kiddie band to you... hahaha
Actually I started with Led Zeppelin. That has given me a whole different outlook on music. They were so diverse! They learned me to appreciate Folk, Blues, Rock 'n' Roll you name it, they played it. Because I really liked Zeppelin in my yought I now can appreciate the latest Ayreon album so well.

I also had the luck of having help of someone who wrote for the Dutch magazine "oor" His name is Kees Baars.

He reviewed hard rock in the mid and late 70s for this magazine. Through him I stumbled on Kansas, Judas Priest, Scorpions, Rainbow, Deep Purple and in those days most important RUSH.

Rush was a real revelation for me. After hearing 'A Farewell to Kings" I got the feeling:

THIS is how Hard Rock should sound. THIS is what I have been looking for. Of course this album is still among my favorites :)

So I came from an entirely different corner. And yea I was alot older than most of you guys. Also I was extremly serious about my music. I was really *devoted* to finding new bands and exploring the genre. And I hated commercial bands with a passion! Btw I just *loved* AC/DC the solo's of Angus Young simply blew me away!

In retrospect he late 70s was a very exciting time. Lately I have been re-discovering this era and I really think it is being underappreciated.

I could go on for a long time about the bands I liked and discovered. But I will be mercyful and spare you this long boring story :)
Hawk said:
So I came from an entirely different corner. And yea I was alot older than most of you guys. Also I was extremly serious about my music. I was really *devoted* to finding new bands and exploring the genre. And I hated commercial bands with a passion!

That Explains almost my Whole exsistance hahahaha that is what i have always done and what I prolly will always do ..... Ya Ever Listen to Savoy Brown Hawk? Kim Simmonds is a Hell of a guitar player!
JonnyD said:
That Explains almost my Whole exsistance hahahaha that is what i have always done and what I prolly will always do ..... Ya Ever Listen to Savoy Brown Hawk? Kim Simmonds is a Hell of a guitar player!
I heard *of* them, but I never took the time to hear them. But your right I have to check them out one day. Just one of the many bands that slipped trough my fingers :erk:
Hawk said:
I heard *of* them, but I never took the time to hear them. But your right I have to check them out one day. Just one of the many bands that slipped trough my fingers :erk:

Well I would Recomend The album "Lookin In" its got like a Lil Troll guy Looking in to a Giant Skull lookin thing Good record! The Singer Bass Player and Drummer left after this or the next album and formed Foghat
Hawk said:
And yea I was alot older than most of you guys. Also I was extremly serious about my music. I was really *devoted* to finding new bands and exploring the genre.

That's what I was trying to say in my post Hawk, that you were ahead of us, you were already digging deeper and looking for better bands. That may be wht KISS didn't have such a big impact on you. But when my generation was 9 or 10 years old KISS was like Saturday morning come to life! Their schtick wore off fast but it was fun while it lasted. And to be honest I think they wrote some great hard rock/pop songs in the 70's.

Alot of it has to do with at what age you first hear most things (then when you get older it think it's more about what "mood" you're in when you first hear it). For example to me Led Zep is just another corporate radio band, because I was too young to understand them in the 70's and by the 80's they were just boring to me. And like you said, no offense to people who like that band.

It's all about the timing. :)
I'm still in the KISS army. I agree with alot of what that guy wrote though and I hate how KISS are a parody of themselves these days. But here are the facts that keep me in the KISS army:

- I still have about 30 killer albums by them to listen to all the time.
- The best nights of my life have been the KISS shows I've seen.
- I saw KISS 3 times this year, and whether you wanna believe me or not, they are still at the top of their game live. Those shows were the best I have seen by the band, my only complaint was that Tommy has no personality on stage. But they were the tightest & heaviest they have sounded since the Revenge tour with the best setlists since that tour.

So I totally agree about how wrong they have gone lately, and having imposters in Ace & Peter's makeup is the lowest thing they've done. I love Tommy Thayer in Black N Blue, and I'd much rather have Eric Singer in the band than Peter, but they shouldn't be wearing Ace & Peter's makeup and should get to add their own style to the band.

But the fact remains that when you're there on the floor and that "Alright Melbourne.." voice echoes around the arena and KISS hit the stage, you forget all that and they WILL deliver the goods every time!

As a side note, I wanna add once again that I think their non-makeup days were their best, because whoever wrote that article seems to have something against the non-makeup years. And I think the best tours they ever did, judging from videos I have coz I wasn't there, were the Hot In The Shade and Revenge tours. And I even have Crazy Nights shows that I think are awesome, even though they are completely scaled down and could be any band from that era, Paul was absolutely at his best and they sounded awesome.

As a closing note, I do recommend you catch them on this Rock The Nation tour. As I said, they really are the best they have been for a very long time, and if you wanna hear some heavier later stuff like War Machine & Unholy, guess what YOU WILL! And if you wanna hear some early classics like She, Parasite, C'Mon & Love Me, Makin' Love, Christine Sixteen, guess what YOU WILL! You might even hear stuff like Tears Are Falling and Creatures Of The Night! (They played both of them in Australia but I know they dropped them in Japan..)

And if that's not enough, you have Poison opening the show! I wish we got that!
Trix, I was waiting for you to post to this thread and tell us old jaded farts to piss off. hahahaha.... Nice post!