Rock Star - KISS?

Wheezer said:
Anyways, the sword swallowing gives the homophobe in me (which is a fairly large portion of my being) the heebie jeebies. :guh:

I don't mind gays,for the most part they aren't the stereo typical people you see marching in the gay pride parades... At least not the folks that I know. As far as swallowing swords? Well I think Brian May can take some "tips" from that goofy Black Metal pest that is hanging around my forum....:zzz:
sixxswine said:
I don't mind gays,for the most part they aren't the stereo typical people you see marching in the gay pride parades... At least not the folks that I know.

I don't mind gays at all. I freely admit to being homophobic. It's a character flaw that I'm working on. :grin:
I hate the idea but here is what I think will happen.

If they try it, it will fizzle out within 2 years anyway, so the plan to make Kiss "go forever" like a franchise will just fail.

Last year's Kiss tour had their worst ticket sales since they put the makeup back on. Casual rock fans or people who grew up with a few Kiss hits in 1978 and went to the reunion & farewell tours didn't go because the novelty had already worn off, they saw KISS again and relived their teenage years that they had left behind, time to leave them behind again.

And so that left 2 groups of fans left - the ones who loves the original lineup and ONLY the original lineup, who probably left the band behind a bit during the non-makeup era (which also had much smaller tours in smaller venues), and the diehard fans who have stuck with them through thick and thin, love the non-makeup era as well, love Eric, Bruce, Vinnie etc, go to Kiss Konventions and love hearing the songs that aren't played as much etc. That's the group of fans I'm in and that's the group who generally likes the "resurgence" era of Kiss from 96-present the least, and would rather than band have continued on from where they left off with Revenge and care the MOST about the band becoming a tribute show and would refuse to see a Kiss lineup without Stanley & Simmons.

Doesn't leave much of a crowd who would actually go to the shows does it?
Also, as far as seeing "the KISS show" without any members... Well I see Kiss tribute bands all the time. Costs me about $10 per show, and they do the costumes, makeup, fire, blood, smoking guitars, rockets, confetti, pyro (when the venues allow it), strippers like the Revenge tour, big Kiss light-up logo, KISS curtain & "Aaaaalright Melbourne, You wanted the best.." before the show, and they play around 25 songs per show including stuff Kiss wouldn't dream of playing anymore. Two weeks ago, one even did a show with Carr & Vincent makeup and played some Creatures era songs in the Vinnie style.

Personally I would rather pay $10 to see that, than pay $130 to see the same thing except that its funded by Kiss and in an arena, but probably only play 18-20 songs of the predictable setlist they've been playing for the last 9 years.