Rock Star - KISS?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
In a sad move, it was recently reported by Yahoo music that Kiss might be moving to all-new members in classic makeup. Could this make for the next installment of the popular "Rock Star" show? hmmm...

Is an all-new Kiss on the horizon, one that doesn't have any original members? It's possible, according to the band's manager. According to the New York Times, Kiss manager Doc McGhee "has been toying with the idea of recruiting an entire band to...don the band's famous makeup." McGhee said, "Kiss is more like Doritos or Pepsi, as far as a brand name is concerned. They're more characters than the individual person. I think (new members) have a legitimate chance to carry the franchise."

Kiss singer-bassist Gene Simmons doesn't necessarily disagree with that idea. He said that the concept of original members isn't widely held by fans, and it isn't really accurate anyway.

"There's no question that there's a core of fans -- five-10 percent, my sense is -- who believe in original members,” Simmons said. “And yet, when you look at original members, the Beatles are not original members -- Ringo is not an original member; the Stones -- barely. You know, they've had so many members come and go, but it's the Stones; and AC/DC's aren't original members; and Van Halen; and go down the list of every -- almost every band you can think of."

Hey Ted please rant on this ;)
hmmm... I don't know what to think about this.

Can you imagine Priest, Purple, Sabbath or Maiden with all new members? I know I can't ;) But maybe it would work in Kiss' case.
I once thought about this. If Gene thinks he can continue making money even though he's to old to be in the band he will try it. The only thing really holding this back is the fact that there is no GOOD new music. New people playing the same old songs over and over and over will get old, however if they release new music that "sounds" like KISS it may work.
Man, this is a tough one. On one hand, I think it is absolutely the dumbest thing I've heard in my life...the difference between KISS and all the other bands Gene mentioned is that he's forgetting those bands still have actual original members intact...and each of those bands typically have a couple critical members that the masses flock to it or not: VAN HALEN = Eddie ROLLING STONES = Kieth and Mick THE BEATLES = Lennon McCartney and so forth.... There are pivotal roles that must remain intact or it is NOT the same band. BLACK SABBATH worked ok without OZZY, but now imagine BLACK SABBATH without TONY!! There is no way. IRON MAIDE works without BRUCE or even Adrian Smith (my opinion) but can you imagine IRON MAIDEN without STEVE FUCKING HARRIS?!?!?!?!? MOTORHEAD - Without LEMMY?!?!? Or even...gasp....VAN HALEN WITOUT DAVID LEE ROTH?!?!? OH, you mean they did that??? Who was the singer??? Sammy Hagar? Gary Cherone??? Are you shittin' me??

Anyways, you get my point....KISS for me was always SIMMONS/STANLEY although I love Ace and Peter (they are the lineup from my youth) I still bought album after album as long as Gene and Paul had a hand in it. SOUNDED like KISS>....

ON THE FLIP SIDE, however, I think KISS is the one band that this COULD work for...the reason is this, like Doc said, KISS is a BRAND more than a band....they have NO musical integrity and have always been about the show itself. KISS is like a good movie that you never get tired of, in my mind, even after seeing it 1,000 times. If you grew up with STAR WARS, you know the story and the ending and every move and every line that Darth Vader makes...but it's still a lot of fun to see him tell Luke, "I AM YOUR FAAAAAAAAATHER!" even years later. SAME WITH KISS...if kids and parents alike can still go to the show and see these characters spit blood, blow smoke and fly about the arena, then it can stil be something folks will flock to see. KISS is like a movie...a soft drink....a classic Mustang...they will always appeal to those who grew up on them, or have a need to escape through watching something entertaining...they will never appeal to those who only want true music or musical craftsmanship...they are the roles they became in makeup, there is really no Gene, Ace, Paul or Peter...there is the DEMON, SPACE ACE, STARCHILD and CATMAN....maybe it would be fun to see somebody who weighs less than 250 and is not gay play the role for a while, with their own hair and not a bad wig...hehe

I'm all for it....

I think it's crazy....

but would I still buy a ticket???

I am all with Ted, until you start with "on the flip side" ... no way that could work. Kiss is Stanley/ Simmons as you say. As long as these two guys are with the band, they can do what they want, people will buy. Just imagine all these different "best of" albums that sell. It is true, Kiss is a brand, and it is about the show, the attitude. But it is also about Stanley/ Simmons. Mentioning the Stones: it is about Jagger/ Richards. I went to a show mainly to see these guys, they are the stars. I am not really a stones fan, but hey, the show was great, just because of one situation: It was raining like hell, it was all quite on stage, Keith had a cigarette between his lips, stepped out into the rain, look around a couple of seconds, snapped his cigarette into the audience, said "lousy weather" and started to play his gitare in the rain. That was fucking cool and my only real remberance of that show. What I want to say is, it is always down to some specific members in a band. Talking about Kiss, I want to see Gene´s arrogant, cool, asshole behavior in God of Thunder :worship: , and Paul´s gay-cool attitude and moves :tickled: . Nobody could replace them.

I am not at all for it ...

It is a shitty idea ...

Would I buy a ticket ?

Ok, Ted you won. Forget the crap I wrote above.
They could just hire one of the tribute bands to do it and sign a deal with a Vegas casino and be done with it. I won't bother with whatever they come up with. I saw them several times before the reunion tour and then once on the reunion tour. That was a ton of fun and I got to relive my childhood a little bit since I didn't get to see them back in the 70s. I'd rather spend my money on concerts and new CDs from current bands than throw it away on a manufactured sideshow put on by a bunch of hired guns. Just my opinion.
I'm not a KISS fan, but here goes my $ 0.02, quoting a great American philosopher

tedvanfrehley said:
I think it is absolutely the dumbest thing I've heard in my life

I'm a purist for certain things, call me anal, call me stupid, I don't care. A band is a group of musicians (usually) which compose and play tunes that may or may not appeal to a listener. Whatever that guy said is not a franchise :err:

When Yes played here I refused to go because Rick Wakeman wasn't in the line-up. I also refused to pick the latest Metal Church album because to me is the Vanderhoof band but not MC, not without Howe, Ericsson and Wells (or Marshall).

Also the comparisons of the original quote with AC/DC, VH and RS are absolutely dumb. Those bands may not have all the original members but they have the founders and key ones, so...:Spin:
Let me put it another way....KISS is more like a play than a band....It's MORE about DEMON, SPACE ACE, CATMAN and STARCHILD...these CHARACTERS in makeup and costumes....superheroes...that's why comics don't work with real don't work with real people...except the Wiggles...KISS is a Saturday morning cartoon brought to life. Music really is secondary.

Think of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA...people go and pay top dollar time and time again all over the world to see that same legendary show re-enacted. They don't care WHO is behind the mask..they just wanna see the MASK!!! The PHANTOM!!

The Stones or even Metallica or any other real bands are REAL PEOPLE, Keith Richards is a real guy larger than life...even a band like IRON MAIDEN...they don't have characters, they are real people...that's why the lineup matters so much.

People will buy KISS tickets to see the KISS show and won't give a crap about who's under the makeup, as long as there is BLOOD SPITTING, FIRE BREATHING, SMOKING GUITARS WITH ROCKETS THAT SHOOT INTO THE LIGHTS, and CONFETTI DURING ROCK N ROLL ALL NITE and some HOOTERS LIKE chicks in the front row....ok, I threw that in for fun...PEOPLE ARE GONNA PAY TO SEE IT!!

And Cold Gin, if they come to your town, I'll buy you a ticket if you go with me!

It's still the greatest show on matter who's taming the lions.

tedvanfrehley said:
Let me put it another way....KISS is more like a play than a band....It's MORE about DEMON, SPACE ACE, CATMAN and STARCHILD...these CHARACTERS in makeup and costumes....superheroes...that's why comics don't work with real don't work with real people...except the Wiggles...KISS is a Saturday morning cartoon brought to life. Music really is secondary.


If I was a lesser man I'd be offended. :D Yeah, their stuff was never complex or mindblowing but there's some really good shit in there. Freakin' classics. Music secondary? Yer killin' me man. :erk:

I would say KISS the band created the music in the studio and KISS the characters performed it live. Play the studio version of God of Thunder and then the Alive II version. It's the same song but I'd take the live version any day. It's got some fucking balls for crying out loud. So I guess in that respect I agree with you. And it's not like the performers are going to try and release an album of new material as KISS.
SoundMaster said:
In other words, Gene and Paul want to retire yet still make the money they've been making by touring. :puke:

Nothing wrong about that from a business point of view. If it works, congrats to Gene and Paul.
This is very stupid, This was mentioned about a decade ago by Simmons.
Nothing new here. I thought this thread was based on the INXS show...
Which by the way, some of the bands mentioned for the next show have been The Van Halen Brothers, as Anthony & Hagar are out and Queen...
Yes, Brian May said that he had not been appraoched, but would you?!
sixxswine said:
Yes, Brian May said that he had not been appraoched, but would you?!

No. I don't look like Freddie, can't sing or move like him, and, wellllllll, I don't swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But thanks for asking anyhow. :D
sixxswine said:
I was talking about the show, I'm sure Brain swallowed a sword or two in his lifetime...:D

I was talking about the show too. I think I was anyway. Who am I kidding? I don't really know if I was or not.

Anyways, the sword swallowing gives the homophobe in me (which is a fairly large portion of my being) the heebie jeebies. :guh: