No bonus DVD for U.S. fans?


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2004
Hopefully someone can tell me differently but I have been told by a retailer that the DVD is only being packaged with European copies and that it is in PAL format and cannot be viewed on U.S. players.
If this is the case then I am really pissed off. I'd be willing to buy the damn DVD by it's self. Hopefully someone will make a rip of it soon.
Its good to european.
Belgar said:
DVD one can be found in the US, just have to have the righ connections :D

Oh yeah! Now that I think about it, my next door neighbor's brother has his hair cut by a man who is dating the sister of a priest from the church that the cousin of a janitor at Metal Blade Records attends! Thanks for your help... :err: