No Devotion, Daylight Dies, various other madness


New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2001
No Devotion may just be the single most hopeless and emotionally resigned piece of music I think I have ever heard. I was just listening to this on the way home from work and it hit me. I almost burst into tears in traffic! Heh heh! This song is in a class all it's own. Of course this all may change here soon since our fearless leader's band's newest cd "No Reply" is about to drop like a two ton heavy thing-(shameless Queensryche reference for the quick). Anyway, forgive this outburst, most of you don't know or care who I am but I was finally in a decent enough mood to stir the pot up around here. Plus the longer I live the more apparent it becomes to me that I was put on this earth to 1) learn the hard way, and 2) be annoying to people.

Make sure to pick up "No Reply" (no, Jesse is not paying me for this) and for goodness sakes folks lighten up! Where's the funeral already!

Just kidding. Stay depressed. Raise the horns. Hail and kill. Metal up your arse! And pray that I don't get in this good a mood much more often.

Later Katatoniacs!
Hey Carlos, thanks for the kind words. We still need to confirm this with the club (heh..) but it looks like we'll be playing in on June 8th at Kings in downtown Raleigh. Same place you were last time. We'll play with a local act called Iskariot. Still gotta confirm it, but it's like 90% sure.. first show in a long time. We should be finishing up recording No Reply first two weeks of May..