NO edits, NO autotuning, NO drop ins


Nov 14, 2006
This is not the typical stuff that´s going on here. We recorded three of our songs acoustic and live in the studio.
These recordings were made relative spontaneously. They only took us 3-4 hours including soundcheck etc..
There were NO cuts or drop ins made, NO edits, NO autotuning or other cheating.
Just pure live music!

What do you think?

MY INNER BURNING - Guide to fame and wealth
cheating is not the right word for editing.... but i dont wanna dive into this topic again ;-)

obviously these guys know there instruments, so its pretty cool this way!
not really a fan of the music, but it does make your head bang , hehe!

must be pretty cool for fans to see this band live and find out they are actually that good!

great job!
cheating is not the right word for editing.... but i dont wanna dive into this topic again ;-)

obviously these guys know there instruments, so its pretty cool this way!
not really a fan of the music, but it does make your head bang , hehe!

must be pretty cool for fans to see this band live and find out they are actually that good!

great job!

it was meant to be provocative. :heh:
by the way, it´s my own band. :)
No de-essing either, heh ?

yes, i agree. it still has to be more. there is already tons of deessing but i still can´t tame those damn things. don´t want to highpass more cause i love the sparkling but there still needs to be a bit less "s".
and i also think that the percussion thing (i guess it´s called cajon) is a little bit too loud in times.
anyone else thinks so?
yes, i agree. it still has to be more. there is already tons of deessing but i still can´t tame those damn things. don´t want to highpass more cause i love the sparkling but there still needs to be a bit less "s".
and i also think that the percussion thing (i guess it´s called cajon) is a little bit too loud in times.
anyone else thinks so?

Maybe insted of lowpassing you should try a surgical cut, to my ears it sounds just like one frequency sticks out on those anoying esses
will give it a try. on the other songs we recorded it wasn´t that dramatical (same setting, same day, same mic, etc.).
and of course i meant lowpassing...;)
nice to here some musicians playing music. Interpret as you wish.

I think some manual multiband compression might give you better results than using a normal de-esser. Sometimes they just don't hit the spot