No sidechain button for plug-ins in Cubase 5?


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I can't see the side-chain button in cubase 5 for plugins that support sidechaining (SSL Comp, Api Comp). Do I have to activate it somewhere? I tried to search in the manual but couldn't find anything that helped.
does that mean in cubase5 you can finally do proper sidechaining?
yeah, I know, Cubum4 was supposed to do sidechaining already....worked only with vst3 plugs though....or with an banana up the arse backwards way using quadgroups etc
I just don't have any sidechain buttons in my plugs that are supposed to be there!

I do have the side-chain buttons for steinbergs stock plugins. But not for my Wave Plugs... :(
If the Waves plugs are not VST3 they cannot be used in sidechain mode.
I just don't have any sidechain buttons in my plugs that are supposed to be there!

I do have the side-chain buttons for steinbergs stock plugins. But not for my Wave Plugs... :(

well, in that case it looks like they still haven't incorporated proper sidechaining in the software.
that's how it used to be to at least cubase4...sidechaining only possible with vst3 plugs, so no waves or anything.
you'd think they changed that in 5 but apparently it's not that easy cause the architecture of cubase doesn't allow sidechaining, they'd ave to re-write the entire program (at least that's what I've read somewhere)
:lol: sorry man, bitch at Waves for not updating their plugs to VST3 format! Or bitch at Steinberg for being retarded with their inability to make VST2 plugs sidechainable.

If you are just trying to duck snare/etc. on overheads or similar with the kick and the bass guitar, the stock Cubase compressor should do fine.
thanks man. I blame waves and steinberg - that easy :D

I read somewhere that Lasse passes the low frequenzy for his mastering compressor so that the kick wouldn't pump. Is that right? I wanted to try that.

I never made the bass duck for the kick... is it worth it? Only on slower kickdrum-parts?
thanks man. I blame waves and steinberg - that easy :D

I read somewhere that Lasse passes the low frequenzy for his mastering compressor so that the kick wouldn't pump. Is that right? I wanted to try that.

I never made the bass duck for the kick... is it worth it? Only on slower kickdrum-parts?

yeah, a very common technique actually.
just feed a highpassed signal into the sidechain.

about ducking the bass....I've tried it but never liked it. it definitely doesn't work for metal, but even for pop/rock stuff I never liked it, I'd rather bus kick and bass to an aux track and compress them together, then bring that compressed kick/bass track up a bit
where do you usually highpass?

do you still use two mono tracks and compress both of them with a highpass in the sidechain? Just to get this one right: I will make an audiotrack with a hp-filter on it and send it to the sidechain of the compressor. right? Would it work the same way with my outboard compressor?
what outboard comp do you have?
I'm using a smart C2, I think IO have the sidechain at 180Hz.
I prefer dual mono but I'm using stereo more often I think.
just cause it's easier/more convenient. dual mono makes the stereo image wider but it's more hassle to set it up (running testtones through both channels, having analyzers on the returns etc)
I have the FMR Rnc atm but a friend will build me an ssl master comp clone.

is all this hassle really necessary? I tried dual mono yesterday and the only thing I did was copying the settings from one to the other and pan them hard left/right. with dual mono would you send each track to your finalizer (in my case I use clip+clip+limit) or send them to a stereo bus?
well, all the parts have tolerances, meters aren't accurate etc.
so you might end up with having .05 db more or less reduction on one side, a dB more makeupgain on the other etc...wouldn't risk it.
but I'm a perfectionist and controlfreak ;)
I had no time to install the update to my new computer because it's not connected to the internet. Will report when I'm back home.