No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants


Lord of the Depths
Jun 22, 2004
It's obscene that we even have to state we don't want such a thing, but it's the sad truth. I made this myself and I am sending it to everyone I can.


The United States of America has recently entered into a new agreement with Mexico that could allow illegal immigrants to receive Social Security benefits. As you most likely know, our current Social Security system most likely won’t be able to pay for all the “baby boomers” who put money INTO the Social Security system – so I find it quite insane that we will be adding people who don’t pay into it should get money from it – especially when they’re persons who are committing a felony by being in a America illegally!

Please tell your congressmen to support a bill introduced by Dana Rohrabacher (R, CA, 46th). With very little of your time (under 3 minutes, even if you have really slow 56k like I do!) you can send a pre-made message that urges your representatives in Congress to support this resolution.

Here is a link for the pre made resolution -

Here is a link for more information on it –

And the Republicans are supposed to be the ones who are racist? :D

This piece of legislation is one of two things that I fiercely disagree with the Bush administration on.

But I can't be too mad at him since he just made a speech in my town this afternoon. I'm a sucker for all the pandering to us Midwestern "swing states."
Eoines said:
It's obscene that we even have to state we don't want such a thing, but it's the sad truth. I made this myself and I am sending it to everyone I can.

Dana Rorbacher actually is my congressman here in Orange County CA (home of Slayer, BTW). This is a serious problem. Those people don't deserve OUR money. Period!
I too am baffled as to why anyone has a hard time illegals not gettiing government aid of any kind.

Illegal immigrants are just that, illegal. What entitles them to anything? I never understood how some people feel illegals should get anything but a swift kick from the deportation boot.

Now, Legal immigrants are another story. Do the paperwork and follow the procedures then fine, let the goverment aid you in ways that are proper. Social Security though is for working people who pay into it. IMO
If they made illegal immigrants suddenly legal, well, that kinda screws over the whole point of immigration flood control and homeland security.

find em, tranquilize em, and ship em back.
Would not be the first time that such a thing has been done. The same thing happened about 12 years ago in California where many undocumented aliens were given amnesty and allowed to stay in the state as legal residents.

Things like this have been attempted before, especially in California, which hosted Proposition 227 (I think that was its number) which tried to deny medical services (except in emergency situations) and others to illegal aliens. This proposition never came into fruition because the Supreme Court of California viewed it to be unconstitutional.
Edgecrusher said:
I have a question for you all:

Where would this country be without any illegal immigrants, ever?

I have an answer. We are past the time where we NEED immigrants. Illegal's do have a place in our economy and there will always be illegals. However the topic here isn't about getting rid of illegals altogether. The topic is why illegals should have access to any government aid when they bypassed the system? Why should they? I want a good reason why illegal's should benefit from people who are here legally and pay their taxes and do their fair share. The idea behind social programs is that everyone does their part. Why should a guy who jumps the border, bypasses the legal aspects of it all, and shouldn't be here get any of what the natural born citizens as well has immigrants who did things the right way are working for?

Amercia does not need immigrants to the point where we should ignore illegals. Canada on the other had needs them in all shapes and forms due to a considerable negative birthrate. If they don't allow people to immigrate then in time their economy and structure will collapse.

Everyone always goes around the point with things like "we are all immigrants in one form or another". Thats not the point. What IS the point is that many of our social programs are stretched beyond their limits even for the ones who rightfully should have access to them. Letting illegal's mooch off of them is only making it worse. Don't go around the point, reality needs to take front seat here.
lovehatesme said:
why cant they make them LEGAL first instead of worrying about the benefits...i just dont get this country sometimes... :cry:

Its not a hard concept. If you want to immigrate to a country, do it the right way.

There not ONE good reason to allow someone who is here illegally take from those who work hard to provide and do their part.

Fill out the paperwork, go through the proper channels. You will be able to work and contribute to the system and in turn the system will gladly help you. I'm over taxed as it is, I don't some fucker who is here against the law using my tax dollars to their benefit when someone who needs them isn't getting enough after they contributed the best the could.
Protocol said:

Read it, understand it, hang your head in shame.
I have noticed trend of laziness, especially in the youths of today.

Word of advice: if you come home from work, and your back isn't stiff, your feet don't hurt, and you're not stressed to the point where you're about to strangle somebody, then it's not really work.

I don't care what kind of job it is. If someone is paying YOU money to do something for them, you should do it 100% and do a damn fine job of it.

Don't like the work? Don't like the pay? THEN GO FIND ANOTHER FUCKING JOB.
Holy crap, but anyway, I guess not having Social Security is not the worst thing inmigrants suffer in that country...
So, well, nothing new, what else to expect from that country with foreigners...