enitharmon, I think you missed his point. He wasn't saying that allowing soft drugs was bad, he was saying it is a stupid reason for choosing a place to live. Sure America has problems, but so does every other country. Maybe we should follow everyone's desire and return to our pre WW2 isolationism policies. That way, we could let the rest of the world screw itself up more than it already does. Let the palestinians and Jews slaughter each other, let the terrorists blow up most of Europe (since our borders would be closed, they'd need a new target, and most of Europe is Christian, too). Yes, Americans are somewhat arrogant, but I think we've earned it through saving the world's ass a couple times. (and I do recognize that it wasn't our effort alone, but we were the ones that turned the tide against the Germans in both World Wars). If we weren't the ones in the spotlight, you'd all be complaining about whoever was. I bet y'all would love it if the Communists or Nazis were the big player now instead of us. Okay, now you can flame me, too. Enjoy.