No Thrax for me tonight.....


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Well, Sat. is one 'o my designated days w/ the little one and when I told him that I was going out tonight it broke his heart, so I gave my tix to my neighbors. Somebody throw up the horns for me tonight. At least they're buyin' me a shirt.

BTW, back online now w/ a new laptop. Digital cam will be purchased tomorrow as to show you all my devil bearded mug.
You should have taken him with you, like that dude who took his 2 or 3-year-old to Anthrax.
If I WANTED him to lose his hearing, trust me I would take him. Myself on the other hand can hear narily a word spoken in my general direction. almost.

This is what it's all about, i'm free-but i still have to sacrifice shit for my kid. I'm cool w/ it. They'll be back again.
Thats a cool thing to do....

As your a big Bruce campbell fan (who, like me thinks he deserves an Oscar for most if not all his work) I wondered if you have any information on his new film. Bubba-ho-tep. I think thats what its called, he plays Elvis.

Being from England I have no hope of seeing it till the DVD comes out

DAMN LL, chill out. At the first KISS reunion/farewell/we-need-money tour, I saw a lot of kids at the show. Nothing ear plugs and and sharp eye for nudity and/or controlled substances can't cure.
Bodylouseuk said:
Thats a cool thing to do....

As your a big Bruce campbell fan (who, like me thinks he deserves an Oscar for most if not all his work) I wondered if you have any information on his new film. Bubba-ho-tep. I think thats what its called, he plays Elvis.

Being from England I have no hope of seeing it till the DVD comes out


Fangoria calls it the film most deserving of a theatrical release that they've seen in a while. He may or may not be elvis, he's a crazy geriatric in a retirement home who has a run in w/ an evil mummy. it has a lotta promise.

read his book. funny shit.
you can go to bubba ho to see where its playing, Its playing in about 20 spots around the country. hopefully with more to come later if it does well. The closest it was coming ti cincinnati was chicago, and I'm not making that trip for a movie.
GregadetH said:
Fangoria calls it the film most deserving of a theatrical release that they've seen in a while. He may or may not be elvis, he's a crazy geriatric in a retirement home who has a run in w/ an evil mummy. it has a lotta promise.

read his book. funny shit.

Bruce campbell was my mom's bosses, that she had for awhile at her company, son. He is a cool guy.
Go to as the movie gets mentioned alot on the message board.
way to put quality time with the child ahead of going to a concert. cudo's to ya man. and this whole idea of kids at concerts. the earplug/headphone thing is great. I've seen way too many ["rockstar" wives] carrying babies around on the stage and in front of the P.A. with NO ear protection. who are they ?? Courtney Hole ? and I think that it's good for children to go to concerts and be part of their parents lives as much as the parent being part of the child's life. And it surely can't hurt a child to see ALL things in life and being able to choose which path to take instead of being told, "don't do this or that because I said it's bad." course i have no children so i am no Dr. Spock. (not Leonard Nimoy)
You made the right choice. One day the little one will be old enough to go to shows. At least your neighbors went, so all was not lost. You got quality time and Anthrax got support.