no vocals

'A departure in solitude' - Naglfar
'Cosmic sea' - Death
'Star Wars imperial march' - Metallica (very cool!)
'Feathers fell' - Dissection
'Opus a satana' - Emperor
'By the gates of Moria' - Blind Guardian
The hidden track on CoB's 'Something wild' :grin:
..and all the old Mortiis-Stuff...
Morrigan.. are you sure that is a Metallica song beacuse there are some things to look up first.....
1) If it´s metallica, i don´t think that lars is going to keep up the entire song with "no changes"... he does the same "base" al the time
2) It can´t be live because you can´t hear the audience even a little bit and you can hear Darth Vader´s breeding in the middle...
3)That´s not a James distortion...

I don´t know if it is or if it isn´t.... but we can´t believe in everything what we download (as in Sentenced´s The trooper)
well, you're right, I'm not sure, if it's REALLY Metallica, but I'm also not sure, if you mean the same song as I do...I can't hear Darth Vader's breathing and there was no hint, that it is live, so you seem to mean a different song...