Noise Trouble


Oct 14, 2007
I'm currently living in noise hell. I'm sure the wiring is crap in the house, but I can't do anything about it.

When I have a guitar or bass plugged in there's this weird crackling and popping higher frequency noise being picked up. There's a touch of 60 cycle but nothing too bad. It's horrible with high gain guitars, but can be annoying with clean bass even.

I can't figure out exactly what's creating the noise. If you take a guitar and put it close to a light socket, there's noticeable noise obviously, but it's more like the sound of getting close to a CRT monitor. I've turned the lights off and it makes no difference. I've even stuck a guitar next to the breaker box and it doesn't seem to be emitting anything that getting several feet from it won't cure.

It's also not just my guitars as it does it with everyone's.

There's a crazy spot in my recording room that if you hold the guitar at the right angle or 180 degrees from that angle, all noise virtually disappears. Simply playing in that spot is a real pain and moving a few degrees brings the noise back.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be done? I've considered a power conditioner, but coming across the null point in the room seems like it wouldn't solve the problem.
