
I Am Don Quixote

New Metal Member
Mar 10, 2004
I have a question for you"experts" to answer.

I have recorded my acoustic guitar and vocals through a mic thats located in my monitor using Acid pro. When i add reverb or other effects to the vocals or what not i get a bit of noise u can hear in the song not very audible but you can hear it. Also when i record after i render it as an Mp3 it is no where near as loud as a Mp3 u might dl off of say soulseek or direct connect. I do record as loudly as possible without clipping so that cant be it.What I would like to know is how can i get rid of the noise and also get my rendered mp3 as loud as a dled mp3. Im also by no means a master at mixing/editing because im very impatient and its all very and confusing and do not want to spend the time doing tons of reading and tweaking. But if thats what i need to do please tell me.

Any help appreciated, thanks.
I Am Don Quixote said:
I have a question for you"experts" to answer.

I have recorded my acoustic guitar and vocals through a mic thats located in my monitor using Acid pro. When i add reverb or other effects to the vocals or what not i get a bit of noise u can hear in the song not very audible but you can hear it. Also when i record after i render it as an Mp3 it is no where near as loud as a Mp3 u might dl off of say soulseek or direct connect. I do record as loudly as possible without clipping so that cant be it.What I would like to know is how can i get rid of the noise and also get my rendered mp3 as loud as a dled mp3. Im also by no means a master at mixing/editing because im very impatient and its all very and confusing and do not want to spend the time doing tons of reading and tweaking. But if thats what i need to do please tell me.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

I'm not familiar with Acid Pro, but both Soundforge and Cool Edit 2 have noise-gate functions, which mute the sound if it falls below a set decibelage. If the noise is drowning out the actual music, then you need something like Cool Edit's noise-reduction function. Once you've filtered out the noise, normalise the file to 100% or -0dB (whichever way Acid calibrates it). If you can't figure out how to work the software filter, it's a case of going in an manually muting the sections that should be silent.

As has already been said, you really need to invest in a half-decent mic for recording music. Look for a proper entry-level recording model; you won't get much joy with one of those crappy plastic karaoke jobs.
Thanks for everyone's help

But i cant find the damn normalize feature. I used the search feature in Acid Pro and all it did was take me to the glossary and tell me what normalization was.So how do i use the normalize feature.

u could use a program called mp3gain which normalizes it when you are finished. It wont lose any quality in the mp3 because it just sets the master volume in the mp3 header which is multiplied by the raw digital sound values when decoded. Good mic as mentioned for the noise, find a good one designed for acoustics - should also give you good vocals too. Another thing you will need is a good sound card which can be expensive, but you don't need the best.