Playing with feedback


Sep 10, 2002
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I love noise...not just fuckin noise,put it with some art...I think feedback can be used as a "musical tone" but how???I get feedback only when my rig wants to get it.I have aN EMG at the neck and A Metal zone.I use a lot of amps and dont have a permanent one.How do you get it always???any advice?????
I use a Crate Blue Voodoo 120 head and some old neck through Charvel with active electronics, and it feedbacks like a bitch when I only have it on 3. When I actually have it turned up, it will feedback whenever I stop playing unless I stand a jillion feet away from it. Pretty annoying, but very useful when you actually want to have feedback.
Originally posted by hydrogrind
heheeheh, i just interest with yours bro, i really like your avatar and i m surf on that web, ... and from link to link, and link to link, i got some i like too, and thats it...
your avatar give me influence....;)


i am glad that someone like my avatar!

thank you!

Feedback is simple. Crank it up, let that chord ring or hold down a note muting anything you don't want.

What you get depends on where you are standing in relation to the speaker as well, so moving around will change it.

Experiment. Lots of gain helps as well :)
Your gear will determine about 70% of your feedback. Shitty pickups, ones that haven't been potted properly, tend to give off loads of feedback. Although some times uncontrollable! Gain!! Lots and lots of gain......if you want feedback, you gotta have gain.
Here's a little trick to produce feedback on command. It does , however require extra gear....very cheap all the same. First get a 1/4 inch(male) adapter that spits off into 2 1/4 inch(female). You can buy this at any radio shack for less then 5 bucks. Take one of the 2 and hook it up to your rig like you normally would. The spare female 1/4 plug in......take this one and hook it up to smallest battery powered amp you can get your hands on. I use one of those little cigarrete pack amps.
So now you've basically hooked up to 2 amps from the same guitar. Whenever you want feedback just pick up the smaller amp and bring it in close. Move it around to maipulate the sound, you'll be amazed. This also works at lower levels...but not too low. Finally, make sure your using lots of GAIN!!
i play in various experimental improvised and composed pieces but i have no band and unfortunately no web site...

my fav guitarist are buckethead,vernon reid ,shawn lane and haino keiji

i am not so much into brutal death the only band i really like is suffocation!

i prefer straight death metal like morbid angel , carcass or death

anyway i listen to same samples of incisored and they are pretty good

Originally posted by dimensionidol
i play in various experimental improvised and composed pieces but i have no band and unfortunately no web site...

my fav guitarist are buckethead,vernon reid ,shawn lane and haino keiji

i am not so much into brutal death the only band i really like is suffocation!

i prefer straight death metal like morbid angel , carcass or death

anyway i listen to same samples of incisored and they are pretty good


thanks bro if you like our songs, my band Cranial Incisored.
I like bukethead, but just hear some samples from friend, I like Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, and some musick experiment freejazz like Naked City, or insane project from Mike Paton like Fantomas.
